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Modern Literature Seminar 2

Class at Catholic Theological Faculty |

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1. Salman Rushdie and the postmodern novel

2. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, contemporary family (hi)stories.

3. Percival L. Everett, experimenting with structure and black writing.

4. Alice Munro, the revival of short story.

5. Zadie Smith, on identity and connections.

6. Robert Eagelstone - ran overall reflection on fiction of


7. Peter Boxall - the position of novel in contemporary ficiton.

8. Robert Luckhurst, theories of the present and literature.

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Motto: „Reading literature is an integral aspect of understanding the world around us.“

The structure of the course follows Androulaki´s and Whitted´s „English A: Literature“ (Oxford, 2019), chief themes being 1) the tools we use to support our reading and understading of literary texts, 2) using these tools on chosen works of Modern Literature poetry and prose fiction.