1. Katechetika jako vědní obor / 1 hodina2. Katecheze v evangelizačním procesu / 2 hodiny3. Identita katecheze / 2 hodiny4. Cíle a úkoly katecheze / 2 hodiny5. Katecheze v praxi - metoda katecheze / 3 hodiny6. Katecheze a společenství / 1 hodina7. Osobnost katechety / 1 hodina
The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the scientific field of catechetics, which deals with catechesis as part of the evangelization process. Catechesis is presented as one of the main tools of the Church to introduce children and adults to the mystery and life of the Christian faith and to help in the growth and maturation of faith.
Individual topics will present the principles of catechesis and their starting points, goals for different addresses, tasks of catechesis, methods and other tools for the implementation of catechesis in a specific place and for a specific group or individual.