B) Klíčové momenty v dějinách teologie svátostí
II) Svátosti křesťanské iniciace
A) Úvod
B) Teologie pramenů nauky o křtu
C) Systematická teologie křtu
D) Úvod - proč je teologie biřmování problematická
E) Teologie pramenů nauky o biřmování
F) Systematická teologie svátosti biřmování
G) Úvod ke svátosti eucharistie
H) Teologie pramenů nauky o eucharistii
I) Systematická teologie svátosti eucharistie
III) Svátost služebného kněžství
\r\nA) Úvod
B) Kněžství Ježíše Krista
C) Hlavní účast na Kristově kněžství
D) Služebné kněžství
IV) Svátost manželství
\r\nA) Úvod
B) Teologie pramenů
C) Spekulativní teologie svátosti manželství
V) Svátost pokání a smíření
A) Úvod
B) Základní prvky svátosti v Novém Zákoně
C) Důležité etapy dějinného vývoje svátosti
D) Systematická reflexe o svátosti pokání a smíření
E) Problamatika odpustků
VI) Svátost pomazání nemocných
A) Teologie pramenů
B) Systematická teologie svátosti
VII) Svátostný organismus a jeho místo v životě křesťana a společenství Církve
I) Introductory part
A) Nominal definition of mysterion / sacramentum
B) Key moments in the history of sacramental theology
II) Sacraments of Christian Initiation
A) Introduction
B) Theology of the sources of the doctrine of baptism
C) Systematic theology of baptism
D) Introduction - why theology of confirmation is problematic
E) heology of the sourcesof the Confirmation
F) Systematic Theology of Confirmation of Confirmation
G) Introduction to the Sacrament of the Eucharist
H) Theology of the Sources of the Doctrine of the Eucharist
I) Systematic theology of the sacrament of the Eucharist
III) Sacrament of the ministerial priesthood
A) Introduction
B) The priesthood of Jesus Christ
C) Main participation in the priesthood of Christ
D) Service priesthood
IV) The Sacrament of Marriage
A) Introduction
B) Theology of sources
C) Speculative theology of the Sacrament of Marriage
V) The Sacrament of Repentance and Reconciliation
A) Introduction
B) Basic elements of the sacrament in the New Testament
C) Important stages of the historical development of the sacrament
D) Systematic reflection on the sacrament of repentance and reconciliation
E) Problamatics of indulgences
VI) Sacrament of the anointing of the sick
A) Theology of sources
B) Systematic theology of the sacrament
VII) The sacramental organism and its place in the life of the Christian and the fellowship of the Church
I) Introductory partA) Nominal definition of mysterion / sacramentumB) Key moments in the history of sacramental theologyII) Sacraments of Christian InitiationA) IntroductionB) Theology of the sources of the doctrine of baptismC) Systematic theology of baptismD) Introduction - why theology of confirmation is problematicE) heology of the sourcesof the ConfirmationF) Systematic Theology of Confirmation of ConfirmationG) Introduction to the Sacrament of the EucharistH) Theology of the Sources of the Doctrine of the EucharistI) Systematic theology of the sacrament of the Eucharist III) Sacrament of the ministerial priesthoodA) IntroductionB) The priesthood of Jesus ChristC) Main participation in the priesthood of ChristD) Service priesthoodIV) The Sacrament of MarriageA) IntroductionB) Theology of sourcesC) Speculative theology of the Sacrament of MarriageV) The Sacrament of Repentance and ReconciliationA) IntroductionB) Basic elements of the sacrament in the New TestamentC) Important stages of the historical development of the sacramentD) Systematic reflection on the sacrament of repentance and reconciliationE) Problamatics of indulgencesVI) Sacrament of the anointing of the sickA) Theology of sourcesB) Systematic theology of the sacramentVII) The sacramental organism and its place in the life of the Christian and the fellowship of the Church
Sacramental theology is an inseparable part of systematic theology arising above all from Christology, soteriology and ecclesiology. A redeemed man enters Christ´s paschal mystery through the sacraments in the community of the church. They allow personal incorporation to the history of salvation on both – individual and community level. The course implements a specific approach to the discipline preferred nowadays, emphasising the uniqueness of the particular sacraments as well as an understanding the whole of them as a living organism.
The introductory part analyzing the term mysterion – sacramentum is followed by the part dealing with the three sacraments of the Christian initiation constituting the Christian existence. Subsequently the remaining sacraments are explored describing the specific way in which they cultivate being and action of a man. The treatise is completed by the integral view of the sacramental organism.
The whole treatise takes two semesters: The second semester is represented by the course Theology of the sacraments 2 (KSTE016). Both of them are compulsory subjects for students of the MA programme Catholic theology.