Preliminary schedule:
Block 1: Introduction to concepts and molecular mechanisms of epigenetics.
· Week 1 (6/10). General introduction to the content & learning outcomes of the course, practical information. [CLP]
· Week 2 (13/10). Lecture: Basic concept of epigenetics (genetic and epigenetic information; chromatin structure; main components of epigenetic information (introduction): histones, DNA methylation; basic principles of introducing (targeting) and erasing epigenetic information, mitotic inheritance). [LF].
· Week 3 (20/10). Lecture: Histone PT modifications (enzymes; interpretation – interactions; basic functions) [LF]
· Week 4 (27/10). Lecture: DNA methylation (enzymes - sequence contexts; RNA-directed DNA methylation; interpretation, basic functions) [LF].
· Week 4 (3/11). Recap on epigenetic mechanisms: Group work, discussion, presentations [CLP] + [IS].
· Week 5 (10/11). Lecture: Methodologies to study epigenetics/epigenomics (methylation analysis by restriction, methylation analysis by bisulfite conversion; ChIP; dCAS9-ChIP/MS) [LF].
Block 2: biological roles of epigenetic mechanisms
· Week 6 (17/11). Lecture: Epigenetics, stress response, priming [CLP].
· Week 7 (25/11). Lecture: Epigenetics and sexual reproduction [CLP].
Block 3: plant epigenetics and evolution
· Week 8 (1/12). Lecture: Evolutionary perspectives I. Epigenetics and natural variation [IS] + [CLP].