2. Typy morfometrických metod - lineární vzdálenosti a úhly; obrysové metody, landmarková (geometrická) morfometrika.
3. Obrysové metody (eliptická Fourierova analýza). Digitalizace obrysů, harmonické koeficienty, zpracování a hodnocení výsledků, rekonstrukce obrysů.
3. Landmarkové metody - digitalizace landmarků, Booksteinovy tvarové souřadnice, generalizovaná prokrustovská analýza, thin plate spline.
4. Hlavní a částečné warpy, analýza relativních warpů - vliv parametru \"alfa\". Mnohorozměrná regrese nezávislých proměnných na tvarové proměnné, metoda parciálních nejmenších čtverců. Rekonstrukce teoretických či průměrných tvarů. CVA tvarových proměnných při analýze skupinových rozdílů.
5. Semilandmarky. Použití landmarkových metod na struktury bez homologních landmarků.
6. Morfologická asymetrie v biologii - evoluční a ekologický význam. Rozklad asymetrie v geometrické morfometrice.
7. Rekonstrukce a modelování obrazu pomocí geometrické morfometriky.
1. Dryden, I.L. & Mardia, K.V. (1998): Statistical shape analysis. - John Wiley & Sons, New York.
2. http://life.bio.sunysb.edu/morph/
3. Zelditch M.L., Swiderski D.L. & Fink W.L. (2004): Geometric Morphometrics for Biologists: A Primer. Elsevier. [E-book na: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/book/9780127784601]
1. Introduction (internet resources, software). Outline methods, the preparation of objects for elliptic Fourier analysis (EFA).
2. 2-D EFA - digitalisation of outlines, harmonic coefficients, processing and interpretation of results, reconstruction of outlines (software: SHAPE and PAST).
3. Landmark methods - digitalisation of landmarks, Bookstein shape coordinates, generalised Procrustes analysis, thin plate spline. Principal and partial warps, analysis of relative warps - the influence of parameter ?. Multivariate regression of independent variables to shape variables, method of partial least squares. Reconstruction od theoretical or averagwe shapes. CVA of shape variables in the course of analysis of group differences. Software: TPS package and IMP.
4. Semilandmarks. The application of landmark methods to structures without homologous landmarks points. The generation of semilandmarks, their application by GM analysis. Software: TPS package.
1. Dryden, I.L. & Mardia, K.V. (1998): Statistical shape analysis. - John Wiley & Sons, New York.
2. http://life.bio.sunysb.edu/morph/
1. Introduction (internet resources, software).
Outline methods, the preparation of objects for elliptic Fourier analysis (EFA). 2. 2-D EFA - digitalisation of outlines, harmonic coefficients, processing and interpretation of results, reconstruction of outlines (software: SHAPE and PAST). 3. Landmark methods - digitalisation of landmarks, Bookstein shape coordinates, generalised Procrustes analysis, thin plate spline.
Principal and partial warps, analysis of relative warps - the influence of parameter ?. Multivariate regression of independent variables to shape variables, method of partial least squares.
Reconstruction od theoretical or averagwe shapes. CVA of shape variables in the course of analysis of group differences.
Software: TPS package and IMP. 4. Semilandmarks.
The application of landmark methods to structures without homologous landmarks points. The generation of semilandmarks, their application by GM analysis.
Software: TPS package. Literature: 1. Dryden, I.L. & Mardia, K.V. (1998): Statistical shape analysis. - John Wiley & Sons, New York. 2. http://life.bio.sunysb.edu/morph/
If there are no international students the lectures are given in Czech language only. The course is focused on some of the methods of geometric morphometrics in biology.
The aim of the course is to provide the basic background to the GM methods and to use them with different relevant software packages [TPS package, R (geomorph, shapes, Momocs), PAST] by analysing different model data sets. The course should be attended after or in parallel with the lecture B120P83 "Introduction to phenetics and cladistics" and some of the courses focused on using the R software.