1. Introduction to winter ecology, main abiotic and biotic factors, main strategies of survival. Petr Sklenář
2. Glacial and periglacial environment Marek Křížek (Department of physical geography)
3. Snow ecology - snowpack distribution, metamorphosis, microcimate. Michal Jeníček (Department of physical geography)
4. Vegetation and snowpaxk - vegetation types with regard to snowpack duration, theory of anemo-orographic system Tomáš Koubek
5. Ecology of cryophillous organisms. Linda Nedbalová (Department of ecology)
6. Snow as a habitat. Jakub Žárský (Department of ecology)
7. Winter ecology of mammals. Radek Lučan (Department of zoology)
8. Winter ecology of plants. Petr Sklenář
9. Winter ecology of ectotherms. Vladimír Košťál (Department of zoology, České Budějovice)
10. Winter ecology of invertebrates. Vladimír Košťál (Department of zoology, České Budějovice)
11. Man and winter. Ladislav Sieger (ČVUT Praha)
12. Winter hydrobiology. Martin Černý (Department of ecology) Practicals
1. Winter ecophysiology of plants. Petr Sklenář
2. Spatial distribution of snowpack. Jaroslav Vojta
3. Winter microclimate. Petr Sklen ář
4. Winter ecology of mammals. Martin Černý
5. Winter ecology of aquatic habitats Martin Černý
6. Ecology of cryophyllous organisns (snow algae) Linda Nedbalová
7. Snow as microbial habitat. Jakub Žárský
The course comprises: 1. lectures about multiple relationships between factors of winter ecology (low temperatures, desiccation, presence/absence of snowpack) and survival and distribution of organisms (plants, vertebrates, invertebrates, microorganisms) and 2. practical education in the field which involved measurements of winter microclimate and examination of adaptation of organism to winter survival.
Please note that the lectures are given in English only when foreign student(s) is/are present.