2. Plant cell - general and specific characteristics. Endomembrane system, vacuols, plastids, cell wall. Division, growth and differentiation of plant cell
3. Plant tissues, their definition and classification
4. Simple tissues - parenchyma, colenchyma and sclerenchyma,
structure and function
5. Meristems, their importance for sessile organisms, classification, structure and function
6. Vascular tissue - xylem and phloem, evolution, structure and function, ontogenetic development
7. Structure and function of root
8. Structure and function of leaf
9. Structure and function of stem
10. Secondary growth of plant organs.
11. Generative organs - the succession of generations of seed plants, the development of male and female gametophyte, the course of pollination and fertilization, embryogenesis
1. History and development of plant anatomy field and its current position within the biology of plants
2. Plant cell - general and specific characteristics. Endomembrane system, vacuols, plastids, cell wall. Division, growth and differentiation of plant cell
3. Plant tissues, their definition and classification
4. Simple tissues - parenchyma, colenchyma and sclerenchyma, structure and function
5. Meristems, their importance for sessile organisms, classification, structure and function
6. Vascular tissue - xylem and phloem, evolution, structure and function, ontogenetic development
7. Structure and function of root
8. Structure and function of leaf
9. Structure and function of stem
10. Secondary growth of plant organs.
11. Generative organs - the succession of generations of seed plants, the development of male and female gametophyte, the course of pollination and fertilization, embryogenesis
Introductory course of plant anatomy, which acquaints students with the basics of organization of plant cells, tissues and organs. During the lectures the relationship between structure and function, structure and environment is emphasized.
Development of the structure and organs is connected with final arrangement of plant organisms.