1. Růstový výtěžek a metabolická rychlost u rostoucí kultury bakterií; vliv typu energetického metabolizmu na růstovou rychlost, růstový výtěžek a metabolickou rychlost bakterií.
2. Indukce syntézy enzymu u rostoucích bakterií a katabolická represe.
3. Stanovení obsahu proteinů a RNA v bakteriální buňce
Within the one week course four experiments will be performed:
1. Growth yield and metabolic rate measurement in growing bacterial culture; effect of energy metabolism type on growth rate, growth yield and metabolic rate of bacterial culture.
2. Induction of enzyme synthesis in growing bacteria and catabolic repression.
3. Measurement of protein and RNA level in a bacterial cell
Within the one week course four experiments will be performed: 1. Growth yield and metabolic rate measurement in growing bacterial culture; effect of energy metabolism type on growth rate, growth yield and metabolic rate of bacterial culture. 2.
Induction of enzyme synthesis in growing bacteria and catabolic repression. 3. Measurement of protein and RNA level in a bacterial cell
The laboratory course consists of the spectrum of basic and advanced methods used in physiology of bacteria to characterize bacterial growth, metabolic variability and regulation of gene expression in response to the environmental condition. The course is held in Czech.