2) Microbial Expression Systems (homologous and heterologous expression systems; modification of heterologous product; metabolic burden; bacterial expression systems; yeast expression systems; non-conventional microbial expression systems; antimicrobial peptide production; ...) - Dr. Štěpánek
3) Microbial Metagenomics and Metagenomic Libraries (\"OMICS\" methods; metagenome; isolation of environmental DNA; construction and screening of environmental metagenomic libraries; analysis of primary metagenomic bioinformation; directed metagenomics; synthetic metagenomics; \"global\" metagenomic projects; ...) - Dr. Štěpánek
4) Application of Metagenomics in Biotechnology (metagenomics of extreme environments & biotechnology; metagenomic hydrolases, oxidoreductases and lyases; metagenomics of \"small bioactive molecules\"; ...) - Dr. Štěpánek
5) Synthetic Biology (metabolic engineering and bioprocess design; metabolic factories - Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium glutamicum; perspectives of synthetic biology; design of synthetic structural genes; regulation of gene expression using synthetic biology; synthetic biology softwares; synthetic genes & industry; production of \"biochemicals\"; glycoengineering; chemical synthetic biology; synthetic ecosystems; ...) - Dr. Štěpánek
6) Biosensors (biological components and transduction elements of biosensors; aptasensors; bacteriophage biosensors; EMWCB technology; enzyme biosensors; biodetection of heavy metals, inhibitors, toxins or pollutants; biosensing of microbial pathogens; geochemical biosensors; ...) - Dr. Štěpánek
7) Application of Recombinant Microorganisms in Bioremediation (bioremediation technology; principles and mechanisms of bacterial bioremediation; pollutants-degrading microorganisms; degradation of APIs; ...) - Dr. Palyzová
8) Biotechnology Application of Microbial Pathogenicity Factors (pathogenicity and virulence; microbial biofilms; quorum sensing; quorum quenching; mechanisms of bacterial metal-siderophore transport systems; siderophore-drug conjugates; ...) - Dr. Palyzová
9) Heterologous Protein Production by Yeast Expression Systems (eukaryotic expression systems; yeast expression vectors; construction and screening strategy of yeast expression systems; overexpression of recombinant genes in yeasts; intracellular and extracellular production of recombinant proteins; ...) - Dr. Marešová
10) Cultivation of Microorganisms and Fermentation Equipment (culture parameters; biofilm - microbial life on surfaces; submerged fermentation; batch culture; fed-batch culture; continuous chemostat culture; bioreactors; ...) - Dr. Palyzová
1) Construction of Recombinant Microorganisms and Molecular Evolution (methods of recombinant DNA; PCR; cloning of structural genes; mutagenesis in vivo; mutagenesis in vitro; gene shuffling; molecular evolution and its importance; ...) - Dr. Štěpánek
2) Microbial Expression Systems (homologous and heterologous expression systems; modification of heterologous product; metabolic burden; bacterial expression systems; yeast expression systems; non-conventional microbial expression systems; antimicrobial peptide production; ...) - Dr. Štěpánek
3) Microbial Metagenomics and Metagenomic Libraries ("OMICS" methods; metagenome; isolation of environmental DNA; construction and screening of environmental metagenomic libraries; analysis of primary metagenomic bioinformation; directed metagenomics; synthetic metagenomics; "global" metagenomic projects; ...) - Dr. Štěpánek
4) Application of Metagenomics in Biotechnology (metagenomics of extreme environments & biotechnology; metagenomic hydrolases, oxidoreductases and lyases; metagenomics of "small bioactive molecules"; ...) - Dr. Štěpánek
5) Synthetic Biology (metabolic engineering and bioprocess design; metabolic factories - Escherichia coli, Corynebacterium glutamicum; perspectives of synthetic biology; design of synthetic structural genes; regulation of gene expression using synthetic biology; synthetic biology softwares; synthetic genes & industry; production of "biochemicals"; glycoengineering; chemical synthetic biology; synthetic ecosystems; ...) - Dr. Štěpánek
6) Biosensors (biological components and transduction elements of biosensors; aptasensors; bacteriophage biosensors; EMWCB technology; enzyme biosensors; biodetection of heavy metals, inhibitors, toxins or pollutants; biosensing of microbial pathogens; geochemical biosensors; ...) - Dr. Štěpánek
7) Application of Recombinant Microorganisms in Bioremediation (bioremediation technology; principles and mechanisms of bacterial bioremediation; pollutants-degrading microorganisms; degradation of APIs; ...) - Dr. Palyzová
8) Biotechnology Application of Microbial Pathogenicity Factors (pathogenicity and virulence; microbial biofilms; quorum sensing; quorum quenching; mechanisms of bacterial metal-siderophore transport systems; siderophore-drug conjugates; ...) - Dr. Palyzová
9) Heterologous Protein Production by Yeast Expression Systems (eukaryotic expression systems; yeast expression vectors; construction and screening strategy of yeast expression systems; overexpression of recombinant genes in yeasts; intracellular and extracellular production of recombinant proteins; ...) - Dr. Marešová
10) Cultivation of Microorganisms and Fermentation Equipment (culture parameters; biofilm - microbial life on surfaces; submerged fermentation; batch culture; fed-batch culture; continuous chemostat culture; bioreactors; ...) - Dr. Palyzová
Genetically modified recombinant microorganisms used in biotechnology have specific requirements resulting mainly from the economic aspect and its own industrial-scale bioprocess. Students will get acquainted not only with the principles of the advanced scientific disciplines Molecular Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology dealing with both general and specific aspects of the construction industrial recombinant strains, but also with specific examples of modern biotechnology.