Animals rights and protection. Care and handling of laboratory animals. General anaesthesia, basic surgical techniques. Measurement of blood volume by dilution techniques. Thermoregulation, calorigenic effect of catecholamines. Homeostasis of blood glucose, glycaemic curve and its analysis. Indirect and direct calorimetry and its use in physiology. Computational techniques in evaluation of experimental results. Modelling of physiological functions.
","inLanguage":"en"}]}Animals rights and protection. Care and handling of laboratory animals.
General anaesthesia, basic surgical techniques. Measurement of blood volume by dilution techniques.
Thermoregulation, calorigenic effect of catecholamines. Homeostasis of blood glucose, glycaemic curve and its analysis.
Indirect and direct calorimetry and its use in physiology. Computational techniques in evaluation of experimental results.
Modelling of physiological functions.
Specialized laboratory course for students of the study program biology who plan to continue in Master degree on animal physiology or neurobiology. Possible for other interested students as well.
The prerequisite is absolutorium of the basic practical courses from animal and human physiology (B150P37 or B150P60).