Cytoskelet úvod
Mikrotubuly, stavební proteiny, modifikace, struktura, nukleace, asociované proteiny, dynamická nestabilita mikrotubulů
Mikrofilamenta, stavební proteiny, struktura, nukleace, asociované proteiny, dynamika mikrofilament
Střední filamenta, stavební proteiny, struktura, asociované proteiny, dynamika středních filament
Interakce mezi cytoskeletálními systémy
Molekulární motory
Cytoskelet a přenos signálů
Membránový skelet
Jaderný skelet
Cytoskelet prokaryot
Cytoskelet a choroby
Speciální techniky studia cytoskeletu
Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only.
Following topics are included in the lecture-course Cytoskeleton and membrane skeleton: organisation and function of cytoskeleton, structure and dynamics of microtubules, microtubule-associated proteins, microtubule motor proteins, microtubules and cell division, structure and dynamics of microfilaments, microfilament-associated proteins, microfilament motor proteins, microfilaments and muscle contraction, structure and dynamics of intermediate filaments, proteins associated with intermediate filaments, membrane skeleton, nuclear skeleton, interactions between cytoskeleton subsystems, cytoskeleton and signal transduction, pathological changes of cytoskeleton, methods for study structure and dynamics of cytoskeletal components. This lecture-course concentrates on animal cell models. In the course are presented experimental results from Laboratory of Biology of Cytoskeleton, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences.