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Experimental work with mammalian oocytes and early embryos

Class at Faculty of Science |


Mouse hormonal stimulation for obtaining prophase I oocytes

Prophase I oocyte isolation

In vitro culture of oocytes into metaphase II

Visualization of chromosomes and spindles using fluorogenic drugs SiR-DNA and SiR-tubulin and live imaging

Computer image analysis of spindle formation and chromosome segregation

(Hormonal stimulation of female mice and breeding with males, isolation of one-cell stage embryos and in vitro culture to two-cell stage embryos)

The course is taught with the support of the project reg. number CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/16_015/0002362


The goal of the practice course is obtaining a basic experience with experimental techniques of isolation and in vitro culture of mammalian oocytes and embryos. A basic introduction into the live oocyte and embryo imaging will be provided.

The primary language of the course is Czech but when at least one student request course will be in English.