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Genome-scale metabolic models

Class at Faculty of Science |


What students will gain during the course:

(i) a basic understanding of metabolic models at the genomic level

(ii) understanding the conversion of genomic and meta genomic data into metabolic models

(iii) skills to carry out basic metabolic modeling in both species and communities skills to perform simulations for desih microbial cell factories


Metabolism is a fundamental cellular process that provides molecular building blocks for growth and maintenance of life. To optimize resource use and maximize fitness, cells must be able to respond to genetic and environmental changes through highly coordinated metabolic regulation. The course first introduces the basic principles of operation and regulation of metabolic networks and then covers a new area of genomic level of metabolic modeling. The course will show how to link genomic data to mechanistic modeling using examples of cell factories and microbial communities.

Areas covered: architecture of metabolic networks, genomic level of metabolic models, flux balance analysis, composition of cell factories, simulation of metabolic interactions in microbial communities.