1. Metody sběru a konzervace členovců, parazitická Crustacea (Branchiura, Copepoda)
2. Toxičtí klepítkatci (Scorpionidea, Aranea), klíšťáci (Metastigmata, Argasidae)
3. Klíšťata (Metastigmata: Ixodidae)
4. Ostatní parazitičtí roztoči (Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Astigmata), skladištní škůdci (Acaridae a Glyciphagidae), alergenní roztoči a atopické alergie (test na alergenní roztoče)
5. Phthiraptera (především Anoplura, Amblycera, Ischocera)
6. Hemiptera (Cimicidae, Reduviidae)
7. Aphaniptera
8. Diptera: Nematocera (Phlebotominae, Ceratopogonidae, Simuliidae)
9. Diptera: Nematocera (Culicidae)
10. Diptera: Brachycera (Tabanidae, Stomoxidae, Glossinidae, Hippoboscidae, Nycteribiidae), myáze působené larvami (Hypodermatidae, Oestridae, Cuterebridae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae)
11. Pitva vybraných zástupců krevsajících členovců: Morfologie bodavě-sacího ústrojí, anatomie trávicí soustavy, rozmnožovací orgány
12. Exkurse na líhniště komárů a dalších krevsajících členovců
\r\n1. Methods for collection and conservation of arthropods and parasitic Crustacea (Branchiura, Copepoda)
\r\n2. Toxic claws (Scorpionidea, Aranea), ticks (Metastigmata, Argasidae)
\r\n3. Ticks (Metastigmata: Ixodidae)
\r\n4. Other parasitic mites (Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Astigmata), storage pests (Acaridae and Glyciphagidae), allergenic mites and atopic allergies (allergenic mites test)
\r\n5. Phthiraptera (mainly Anoplura, Amblycera, Ischocera)
\r\n7. Hemiptera (Cimicidae, Reduviidae)
\r\n7. Aphaniptera
\r\n8. Diptera: Nematocera (Phlebotominae, Ceratopogonidae, Simuliidae)
\r\n10. Diptera: Nematocera (Culicidae)
\r\n10. Diptera: Brachycera (Tabanidae, Stomoxidae, Glossinidae, Hippoboscidae, Nycteribiidae), larvae myiases (Hypodermatidae, Oestridae, Cuterebridae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae)
\r\n11. Dissection of selected representatives of blood-feeding arthropods: morphology of the stinging-suction system, anatomy of the digestive system, reproductive organs
\r\n12. Excursion to the breeding ground of mosquitoes and other blood-feeding arthropods
1. Methods for collection and conservation of arthropods and parasitic Crustacea (Branchiura, Copepoda)
2. Toxic claws (Scorpionidea, Aranea), ticks (Metastigmata, Argasidae)
3. Ticks (Metastigmata: Ixodidae)
4. Other parasitic mites (Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Astigmata), storage pests (Acaridae and Glyciphagidae), allergenic mites and atopic allergies (allergenic mites test)
5. Phthiraptera (mainly Anoplura, Amblycera, Ischocera)
7. Hemiptera (Cimicidae, Reduviidae)
7. Aphaniptera
8. Diptera: Nematocera (Phlebotominae, Ceratopogonidae, Simuliidae)
10. Diptera: Nematocera (Culicidae)
10. Diptera: Brachycera (Tabanidae, Stomoxidae, Glossinidae, Hippoboscidae, Nycteribiidae), larvae myiases (Hypodermatidae, Oestridae, Cuterebridae, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae)
11. Dissection of selected representatives of blood-feeding arthropods: morphology of the stinging-suction system, anatomy of the digestive system, reproductive organs
12. Excursion to the breeding ground of mosquitoes and other blood-feeding arthropods
This course is obligatory for students of master study in parasitology. Suitable for students of the department of zoology (entomology).
The course is focused on demonstration and identification of parasitic crustacean, acarids and insects on permanent microscopic slides and in stereomicroscopes (in alcohol or "dry" specimens) or a living state (ticks, bugs and Diptera). Basic morphological features useful for identification and determination of various groups of blood-sucking arthropods and their most important representatives are demonstrated. Part of the practical course is devoted to the anatomy of various groups (stained specimens, autopsy of a bug and mosquito) and emphasizes structures important for pathogen transfer. Part of the course is also a half-day excursion to the Elbe and Libice to the mosquito area with a demonstration of the developmental stages of several groups of blood-sucking insects etc.