- demonstrace sběru přírodních vzorků a příprava trvalých preparátů
\r\n- pozorování a determinace rozsivek ve světelném a elektronovém mikroskopu
\r\n- vyhodnocení vnitrodruhové a mezidruhové morfologické variability rozsivek pomocí mikrofotografií
\r\n- rozpoznání na základě rozsivek z jakého habitatu (vodní/terestrický, mořský/sladkovodní, planktonní/bentický) byl vzorek odebrán
\r\n- určení kvality vody pomocí rozsivek (indexy trofie, acidita, indikátorové taxony)
","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"\r\nA plan of the course:
\r\n- diatom classification
\r\n- identification terminology
\r\n- diversity of diatom genera
\r\n- ecology of diatoms
\r\n- scientific topics associated with diatom research
- collection of natural samples and preparation of permanent slides
- identification of diatoms using both light end electron microscopy
\r\n- assessment of intra- and interspecific variability in morphology using microphotographs
\r\n- recognition of the habitat origin (aquatic/terrestrial; marine/freshwater; planktic/benthic)
\r\n- evaluation of water-quality (trophy indices, acidity, indicator taxa)
","inLanguage":"en"}]}A plan of the course:
- diatom classification
- identification terminology
- diversity of diatom genera
- ecology of diatoms
- scientific topics associated with diatom research
- collection of natural samples and preparation of permanent slides
- identification of diatoms using both light end electron microscopy
- assessment of intra- and interspecific variability in morphology using microphotographs
- recognition of the habitat origin (aquatic/terrestrial; marine/freshwater; planktic/benthic)
- evaluation of water-quality (trophy indices, acidity, indicator taxa)
Diatoms (Bacillariophyta) are one of the most diversified group of algae. They occur worldwide in both aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Diatoms are important in global biogeochemical cycles because they contributed up to 20% to carbon fixation and up to 50% to oxygen production. A unique feature of diatoms is formation of glass shells, which is produced by silicification of their cell walls. Morphologically variable diatom shells (frustules) are frequently used in monitoring of recent and past environmental conditions. The course Diatomology will focus on basic knowledge of diatom taxonomy, morphology, and ecology in practical way. Lab work will focus on light microscope observations of living and cleaned diatom samples. We will use digital photography systems to document the groups. One field trips outside the lab will be expected. The course would be useful to undergraduates and graduate students interested in protistology, algology, aquatic ecology and diversity of photosynthetic organisms as well as biomonitoring.
The course will be held in blocks: April 12, April 26, and May 3 at room number B13 (Benátská 2, first mezzanine).