1 Základy
- Pracovní prostředí Inkscape, nejdůležitější nástroje a klávesové zkratky
- Rozvržení - jak zarovnat a rozmístit objekty
- Křivky (lines - polygons)
- Úpravy textu, vlastní fonty
- Importování obrázků
2 Pokročilejší nástroje
- Vektorizace rastrů
- Vzory, rozmisťování podle křivek, Distribution along lines
- Filtry
- Mnohonásobné úpravy / výběr
- Klony
3 Vědecké výstupy
- Grafy
- Mapy
- Stromy
- Ostatní
- Kombinování objektů do komplexnějších obrazů
\r\n- Kombinování vektorových a rastrových obrázků
- Export do PDF / EPS
The course will run in three subsequent one-day blocks (the syllabus is preliminary)
1 The Basics
- Inkscape working space and the most important basic tools and key shortcuts
- Layout - how to align, distribute the objects
- Paths (lines - polygons)
- Text editing & custom fonts
- Importing images
2 Advanced Tools
- Transformation from images to vectors
- Patterns, Distribution along lines
- Filters
- Multiple editing / selection
- Clones
3 Scientific Outputs
- Graphs
- Maps
- Trees
- Assembling complex figures
- Combining vector and raster images
- Export to PDFs / Eps
The course will run in three subsequent one-day blocks (the syllabus is preliminary) 1 The Basics - Inkscape working space and the most important basic tools and key shortcuts - Layout - how to align, distribute the objects - Paths (lines - polygons) - Text editing & custom fonts - Importing images 2 Advanced Tools - Transformation from images to vectors - Patterns, Distribution along lines - Filters - Multiple editing / selection - Clones 3 Scientific Outputs - Graphs - Maps - Trees - Assembling complex figures - Combining vector and raster images - Export to PDFs / Eps
This course will be focused on vectors graphics, the advantage of which, in contrast to raster images, is obvious: once image is created, it can be easily re-used for many purposes, from small figures in the scientific papers, through slides with clear infographics, to stand-out posters. Indeed, scale does not matter, vector image will always be smooth and readable, the pdfs zoomable and posters without pixelated images. Vectors save a lot of disk-space as well. Parts of different vector images can be easily combined into new context, saving time and effort. Many programs, including R or GIS-software, allow to export the output to vector format (.eps, .svg), which stays editable and can thus be polished-up in a vector editor.
During the course we will mainly work in Inkscape, which is the most powerful open-source software available at the moment. Although it might seem a bit user-unfriendly at start, it has a steep learning curve.
The course will be tailored to the needs and skill-level of the students. At start we will refresh the basics, so that everyone will understand the principles of vector graphics and will be familiar with the program environment and with the essential tools. We will later focus on the use of advanced tools that make the life even easier, and how to apply this knowledge to scientific outputs, maps, charts, trees etc.
Ideally, the student should enter the course with a particular project of his own (e.g. poster / slides for a conference, or figure for a scientific paper / thesis) on which he or she will be able demonstrate the acquired skills.
Preferably own laptop with either Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system, and Inkscape already installed.