- 2) Subphyla: Thaliacea, Copelata and Cephalochordata (morphology, ecology, phylogenetic relationships). A brief information about the biospecies concept.
- 3) A brief characteristic of the Vertebrates (Vertebrata). Systematic groups Ostracodermi, hagfishes (Myxini), lampreys (Petromyzones) - their morphology, ecology and phylogenetic relationships.
- 4) Chondrichthyes (i.e., sharks, rays and chimaeras) - basic characteristic, ecology and the system.
- 5) Fishes (Pisces) - basic characteristic, the system.
- 6) Ecology of fishes.
- 7) First terrestrial vertebrates (morphological and ecological adaptations). The Amphibians (Amphibia).
- 8) Origin of the group Amniota. The Reptiles (Reptilia) - comparison between phylogenetic and traditional approaches to their systematic position. Most important fossil reptile groups.
- 9) Recent reptiles (distribution, ecology and the system).
- 10) Birds (Aves) - basic characteristic, phylogeny, the system.
- 11) Ecology and distribution of the most important bird systematic groups.
- 12) Mammals (Mammalia) - basic characteristic, phylogeny, the system.
- 13) Ecology and distribution of the most important mammal systematic groups.
Additional information you will find on web addresses:
1) Basic information about the lecture structure, the practicum and consequent field excursions. Recommendet literature, information about the examination. A brief characteristic of the Chordates (phyllum Chordata). Morphology and ecology of the Sea squirts (Ascidiacea), the Conodonts (Conodontochordata). Basic differences between phylogenetic (i.e., cladistic) and traditional system of Chordates. -
2) Subphyla: Thaliacea, Copelata and Cephalochordata (morphology, ecology, phylogenetic relationships). A brief information about the biospecies concept. -
3) A brief characteristic of the Vertebrates (Vertebrata). Systematic groups Ostracodermi, hagfishes (Myxini), lampreys (Petromyzones) - their morphology, ecology and phylogenetic relationships. -
4) Chondrichthyes (i.e., sharks, rays and chimaeras) - basic characteristic, ecology and the system. -
5) Fishes (Pisces) - basic characteristic, the system. -
6) Ecology of fishes. -
7) First terrestrial vertebrates (morphological and ecological adaptations). The Amphibians (Amphibia). -
8) Origin of the group Amniota. The Reptiles (Reptilia) - comparison between phylogenetic and traditional approaches to their systematic position. Most important fossil reptile groups. -
9) Recent reptiles (distribution, ecology and the system). -
10) Birds (Aves) - basic characteristic, phylogeny, the system. -
11) Ecology and distribution of the most important bird systematic groups. -
12) Mammals (Mammalia) - basic characteristic, phylogeny, the system. -
13) Ecology and distribution of the most important mammal systematic groups. Additional information you will find on web addresses: http://vertebrata.natur.cuni.cz/for-students-in-czech-/materialy-k-prednaskam/ http://www.zoology.cz/foto/displayimage.php?album=5&pos=-258
Please note, the lectures are given in czech language only.
Introduction into the system of vertebrates, including other groups of the phyllum Chordata. Basic data about morphology, phylogenetics, ecology and geographical distribution of individual systematic groups.
Special attention is paid to the vertebrate fauna of Central Europe.
Examination is oral.
Pough F. H., Ch. M. Janis, J. B. Heiser, 1999: Vertebrate life. 5th Ed. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall International..