Main group organoelement compounds: Groups 1, 2 and 12–16 (types, structure, synthesis and reactivity).
Carbonyls (coordination modes, structures, synthesis, reactivity).
Transition-metal organometallic compounds with η1 – η8 ligands (bonding, synthesis and reactivity). Activation of C–H and C–C bonds.
Organolanthanides, organoactinides.
Isolobal relationships.
Reactions of TM-organometallic compounds (general comments).
Selected catalytic applications involving organometallic compounds.
This lecture is designated for advanced master degree and PhD students and focuses on the structures, bonding properties, reactivity patterns and selected applications of main group and transition metal organometallic compounds including organolanthanides and organoactinides. Attention is paid also to practically important catalytic processes in which organometallic compounds participate.
The lecture is provided in a standard presence form. In the case of restrictions imposed, it will be changed into online mode with the means chosen according to the preferences of the participants.
The examination is oral.