Developement of the coordination chemistry.
Electrostatic model and cystal field theory.
Molecular orbitals and ligand field theory. Implications of ligand field splitting: LFSE and lattice and hydratation energies.
Metal–metal bonds and clusters.
Coordination polyhedrons and isomerism, stereochemical non-rigidity (fluxionality), Berry pseudorotation and turnstile rotation. Chirality, absolute configuration and Cotton effect. Jahn-Teller effect.
Stability constants, chelate and macrocyclic effect, Irving-Williams row of stability constant.
Kinetic lability and inertness. Associative, dissociative and interchange mechanism of substitution. Inner sphere and outer- sphere mechanism of electron transfer. Theory of R. Marcus. Oxidative addition and reductive elimination.
Complexes with π-acceptors.
π-complexes, Dewar-Chatt-Dunkinson model.
Template effect and self assembly and preorganisation concept.
Role of coordination compounds in catalysis, molecular electronics and bioanorganic chemistry
The lecture is aimed at the basic priciples of coordination chemistry including the nature of coordination bond and the electronic structure of cations in the ligand field approximation. Introduction to stability constants, stereochemistry and isomerism, substitution and electron transfer reactions, template effect and concept of self-assembly, and overview of various types of coordination compounds and their role in catalysis, molecular electronics and bioanorganic cemistry are another topics of the lecture.