1.2. Koordinační číslo, stereochemie koordinačních částic, cheláty
1.3. Donorové atomy a typy ligandů
2.1. Přechodné kovy a vnitřně přechodné kovy (lanthanoidy)
2.2. Chemická vazba v koordinačních sloučeninách
2.2.1. Teorie krystalového a ligandového pole
2.2.2. Spektrochemická řada ligandů
2.2.3. Stabilní elektronové konfigurace
2.3. Absorpční elektronová spektra komplexů
2.4. Magnetické vlastnosti komplexů
2.5. Redoxní vlastnosti komplexů
3.1. Konstanty stability
3.2. Kinetické chování komplexů
3.3. Reaktivita koordinačních sloučenin
4.1. Aquakomplexy, amminkomplexy
4.2. Organometalické sloučeniny
4.3. Homogenní katalýza, příklady katalytických cyklů
4.4. Komplexy v analytické chemii
4.5. Principy bioanorganické chemie
4.5.1. Role iontů kovů v živých systémech, metalloenzymy
4.5.2. Metabolizmus kovů
4.5.3. Transport kyslíku a iontů kovů
4.5.4. Přenos elektronu v proteinech
4.5.5. Využití kovů v humánní medicíně (kancerostatika a diagnostická činidla)
5.1. Klasifikace supramolekulárních \"host–guest\" (receptor–substrát) sloučenin
5.2. Termodynamická a kinetická selektivita
5.3. Povaha supramolekulárních interakcí (ion–ion, ion–dipol, dipol–dipol, vodíková vazba, kation-π interakce, \"π-π stacking\", van der Waals síly, hydrofobní efekty)
5.4. Supramolekulární chemie v přírodě
5.5. Aplikace v medicíně
1.1. Coordination compounds, basic concepts
1.2. Coordination number, stereochemistry of complexes, chelates
1.3. Donor atoms and kinds of ligands
2.1. Transition and inner transition metals (lanthanoids)
2.2. Chemical bond in coordination compounds
2.2.1. Crystal and ligand field theory
2.2.2. Ligand spectrochemical series
2.2.3. Stable electronic configurations
2.3. Absorption electronic spectra of complexes
2.4. Magnetic properties of complexes
2.5. Redox properties of complexes
3.1. Stability constants
3.2. Kinetic behavior of complexes
3.3. Reactivity of coordination compounds
4.1. Aquacomplexes, ammincomplexes
4.2. Organometallic compounds
4.3. Homogeneous catalysis, examples of catalytic cycles
4.4. Complexes in analytical chemistry
4.5. Principles of bioinorganic chemistry
4.5.1. Role of metal ions in living systems, metalloenzymes
4.5.2. Metal metabolism
4.5.3. Oxygen and metal ion transports
4.5.4. Electron transfer in proteins
4.5.5. Utilization of metal in human medicine (cancerostatics and contrast agents)
5.1. Classification of supramolecular \"host–guest\" (receptor–substrate) compounds
5.2. Thermodynamic and kinetic selectivity
5.3. Nature of supramolecular interactions (ion–ion, ion–dipole, dipole–dipole, Hydrogen bonding, Cation–π interaction, \"π-π stacking\", Van der Waals forces, Hydrophobic effects)
5.4. Supramolecular chemistry of life
5.5. Application in medicine
* 1. Introduction to coordination chemistry 1.1. Coordination compounds, basic concepts1.2. Coordination number, stereochemistry of complexes, chelates1.3. Donor atoms and kinds of ligands
* 2. Bonding in coordination compounds 2.1. Transition and inner transition metals (lanthanoids)2.2. Chemical bond in coordination compounds 2.2.1. Crystal and ligand field theory2.2.2. Ligand spectrochemical series2.2.3. Stable electronic configurations 2.3. Absorption electronic spectra of complexes2.4. Magnetic properties of complexes2.5. Redox properties of complexes
* 3. Properties of coordination compounds 3.1. Stability constants3.2. Kinetic behavior of complexes3.3. Reactivity of coordination compounds
* 4. Kinds of coordination compounds and their importance 4.1. Aquacomplexes, ammincomplexes4.2. Organometallic compounds4.3. Homogeneous catalysis, examples of catalytic cycles4.4. Complexes in analytical chemistry4.5. Principles of bioinorganic chemistry 4.5.1. Role of metal ions in living systems, metalloenzymes4.5.2. Metal metabolism4.5.3. Oxygen and metal ion transports4.5.4. Electron transfer in proteins4.5.5. Utilization of metal in human medicine (cancerostatics and contrast agents)
* 5. Introduction to supramolecular chemistry 5.1. Classification of supramolecular "host–guest" (receptor–substrate) compounds5.2. Thermodynamic and kinetic selectivity5.3. Nature of supramolecular interactions (ion–ion, ion–dipole, dipole–dipole, Hydrogen bonding, Cation–π interaction, "π-π stacking", Van der Waals forces, Hydrophobic effects)5.4. Supramolecular chemistry of life5.5. Application in medicine
Introduction to coordination chemistry and definition of concepts, e.g. coordination number, chelation effect, donor atom. Ligand classification. Chemical bond in coordination compounds (ligand field theory) and explanation of some properties of complexes (spectral, magnetic, redox behavior). Chemical behavior of complexes, thermodynamic stability and kinetically labile and inert complexes. Examples of different kinds of coordination compounds and their utilization in practice (catalysis, analytical chemistry). Bioinorganic chemistry and metal complexes in medicine.
Introduction to supramolecular chemistry. Classification of supramolecular "host–guest" (receptor–substrate) compounds. Thermodynamic and kinetic selectivity. Nature of supramolecular interactions (ion–ion, ion–dipole, dipole–dipole, Hydrogen bonding, Cation-π interaction, "π-π stacking", Van der Waals forces, Hydrophobic effects). Supramolecular chemistry of life. Application in medicine.