1. Historický přehled metod a jejich vývoj, porovnání metod (CT, MR, PET, SPECT, ultrasonografie, optické zobrazování).
\r\n2. Metody výpočetní tomografie (CT). Fyzikální principy, konstrukce zařízení. Nativní vyšetřování, kontrastní látky.
\r\n3. Radionuklidové metody. Fyzikální principy, konstrukce zařízení a vybavení pracoviště. Gamakamera, SPECT. Pozitronová emisní tomografie (PET).
\r\n4. Fluorescenční mikroskopie – metody zobrazování a aplikace v biomedicíně.
\r\n5. Metody magnetické rezonance (MR). Základní fyzikální principy magnetické rezonance, rezonanční podmínka. Úvod do MR zobrazování, konstrukce MR spektrometrů a tomografů.
\r\n6. MR zobrazování – T1 a T2 relaxace, kontrast MR obrazu, kontrastní látky pro MR – principy, struktura.
\r\n7. In vivo MR spektroskopie – single voxel MR spektroskopie, metody spektroskopického zobrazování, metody vyhodnocování in vivo MR spekter, jádra používaná v in vivo MR spektroskopii, pozorovatelné metabolity ve spektrech a jejich biochemické cesty.
\r\n8. Přehled kontrastních látek pro jednotlivé zobrazovací techniky. Přímé měření molekul a jejich struktury in vivo.
\r\n9. Magnetic particle imaging – princip metody, kontrastní látky.
\r\n10. Ultrazvuk a fotoakustické zobrazování – princip metod, aplikace v preklinickém zobrazování.
\r\n11. Materiály pro buněčnou a tkáňovou transplantaci.
\r\n12. Značení buněk pro zobrazování a sledování polohy a osudu transplantovaných buněk in vivo.
\r\n13. Kombinace zobrazovacích metod, koregistrace dat.
\r\n14. Návštěva Centra pokročilého preklinického zobrazování, praktická ukázka in vivo zobrazovacích metod.
","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"\r\nMolecular and cellular imaging in biomedicine (MI)
1. Historical overview of molecular imaging methods, their evolution, comparison (CT, MR, PET, SPECT, ultrasonography, optical imaging).
\r\n2. Methods of computer tomography (CT). Physical principles, construction. Native imaging, contrast agents.
\r\n3. Radionuclide methods. Physical principles, construction, workplace equipment. Gamma camera, SPECT, PET.
\r\n4. Fluorescence microscopy - imaging methods and biomedical applications.
\r\n5. Magnetic resonance (MR). Basic physical principles, resonance condition, chemical shift. Introduction to MR imaging, construction of MR spectrometers and tomographs.
\r\n6. MR imaging - T1 a T2 relaxation, contrast in MR image, relaxometry, contrast agents for MR – principles, structure.
\r\n7. In vivo MR spectroscopy – single voxel MR spectroscopy, spectroscopy imaging, processing of in vivo MR spectra. Nuclei used in in vivo MR spectroscopy, detectable metabolites and their biochemical pathways.
\r\n8. An overview of contrast agents for various imaging techniques. Direct measurement of molecules and their structure in vivo.
\r\n9. Magnetic particle imaging – physical principles, contrast agents.
\r\n10. Ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging – principles, applications in preclinical imaging.
\r\n11. Materials for cell and tissue transplantation.
\r\n12. Cell labelling for cell imaging, cell tracking and monitoring of the transplanted cell fate in vivo.
\r\n13. Combination of imaging methods, data co-registration.
\r\n14. Visit to the Center for Advanced Preclinical Imaging.
","inLanguage":"en"}]}Molecular and cellular imaging in biomedicine (MI)
1. Historical overview of molecular imaging methods, their evolution, comparison (CT, MR, PET, SPECT, ultrasonography, optical imaging).
2. Methods of computer tomography (CT). Physical principles, construction. Native imaging, contrast agents.
3. Radionuclide methods. Physical principles, construction, workplace equipment. Gamma camera, SPECT, PET.
4. Fluorescence microscopy - imaging methods and biomedical applications.
5. Magnetic resonance (MR). Basic physical principles, resonance condition, chemical shift. Introduction to MR imaging, construction of MR spectrometers and tomographs.
6. MR imaging - T1 a T2 relaxation, contrast in MR image, relaxometry, contrast agents for MR – principles, structure.
7. In vivo MR spectroscopy – single voxel MR spectroscopy, spectroscopy imaging, processing of in vivo MR spectra. Nuclei used in in vivo MR spectroscopy, detectable metabolites and their biochemical pathways.
8. An overview of contrast agents for various imaging techniques. Direct measurement of molecules and their structure in vivo.
9. Magnetic particle imaging – physical principles, contrast agents.
10. Ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging – principles, applications in preclinical imaging.
11. Materials for cell and tissue transplantation.
12. Cell labelling for cell imaging, cell tracking and monitoring of the transplanted cell fate in vivo.
13. Combination of imaging methods, data co-registration.
14. Visit to the Center for Advanced Preclinical Imaging.
Molecular and cellular imaging (MI) in biomedical disciplines
Molecular and cellular imaging in biomedicine focuses on physical principles of imaging methods, chemical structure and synthesis of contrast agents and probes, and biological and clinical applications.
It covers common methods for in vivo a in vitro imaging, namely magnetic resonance imaging, MR spectroscopy, computer tomography, radionuclide methods, optical imaging, ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging. The methods provide besides a morphological information also pieces of knowledge about function and biochemical composition of the tissue, even on cellular and molecular level.
Lectures target both physical principles and certain applications.
Recommended for:
This course is intended for students of natural sciences, PhD students in biomedicine, neuroscience and other related fields.