Struktura atomů a molekul. Schrödingerova rovnice. Atomové orbitaly.
Periodická tabulka a trendy v ní.
Chemická vazba. Metoda MO-LCAO. Molekulové orbitaly diatomických a polyatomických molekul.
Tvar molekul, hybridizace, VSEPR.
Molekulová symetrie, bodové grupy symetrie.
Geometrie krystalové mřížky, prostorové grupy symetrie.
Struktury kovů. Vazba v iontových krystalech. Základní strukturní typy krystalů.
Základní typy reakcí – srážecí, acido-bazické, redoxní, radikálové reakce.
Systematická chemie prvků hlavních skupin:
Vodík. Kyslík. Vzácné plyny. Halogeny. Chalkogeny. Pentely.
General chapters of inorganic chemistry:
Structure of atoms and molecules. Schrödinger equation. Atomic orbitals.
Trends in periodic table.
Chemical bond. Method MO-LCAO. Molecular orbitals of diatomic and polyatomic molecules.
Shape of molecules, hybridization, VSEPR.
Molecular symmetry, symmetry point groups.
Geometry of crystal lattice, symmetry space groups.
Structures of metals. Bonding in ionic crystals. Basic structural types.
Reaction types – precipitation, acid-basic, redox, radical reactions.
Systematic chemistry of main group elements:
Hydrogen. Oxygen. Noble gases. Halogens. Chalcogens. Pentels.
General chapters of inorganic chemistry:Structure of atoms and molecules. Schrödinger equation.
Atomic orbitals.Trends in periodic table.Chemical bond. Method MO-LCAO.
Molecular orbitals of diatomic and polyatomic molecules.Shape of molecules, hybridization, VSEPR.Molecular symmetry, symmetry point groups.Geometry of crystal lattice, symmetry space groups.Structures of metals. Bonding in ionic crystals.
Basic structural types.Reaction types – precipitation, acid-basic, redox, radical reactions.Systematic chemistry of main group elements:Hydrogen. Oxygen.
Noble gases. Halogens.
Chalcogens. Pentels.
Lecture is dedicated to students of bachelor chemistry programs. It is the first part of basic course of inorganic chemistry, which is followed by the lecture Inorganic Chemistry II (a).
The course contains chapters of general inorganic chemistry (electronic structure of atoms and molecules, trends in periodic table of elements, molecular shape and symmetry, crystal symmetry, kinds of chemical reactions and equilibria) and part of systematic chemistry of main group elements (H, O, elements of groups 15-18).