Rozdělovací rovnováha \r\nnormal;\">- \r\nCS;\">studium systému: kyselina benzoová - voda - toluen.
\r\n\r\nCS;\">Vodivost - stanovení disociační konstanty slabé jednosytné kyseliny na základě Ostwaldova zřeďovacího zákona.
\r\nDisociační konstanta - stanovení disociační konstanty p-nitrofenolu ze závislosti stupně disociace na pH, stupeň disociace se určuje spektrofotometricky.
\r\nPufrační kapacita - stanovení pufrační kapacity acetátových pufrů o různém složení.
\r\nAktivační energie - určení aktivační energie rozpadu barevného komplexu z rychlostních konstant získaných při různých teplotách spektrofotometrickým sledováním závislosti koncentrace komplexu na čase.
\r\nReakční řád - stanovení dílčích reakčních řádů metodou počátečních rychlostí.
Partition equilibrium:
\r\nstudy of the system: benzoic acid-water-toluene.
Buffer capacity:
\r\ndetermination of buffer capacities of acetic buffers at various compositions.
\r\ndetermination of the acidity constant of various weak acids using the Ostwald's dilution law.
Dissociation constant:
\r\nspectrophotometric determination of p-nitrophenol acidity constant from the dependency of the degree of ionization on pH.
Activation energy:
\r\nestimation of the activation energy of decomposition of colored complex from rate constants obtained at various temperatures by spectrophotometric measurements.
Reaction order:
\r\ndetermination of reaction orders of reactants using the initial rate method.
","inLanguage":"en"}]}LIST OF EXERCISES
Partition equilibrium: study of the system: benzoic acid-water-toluene.
Buffer capacity: determination of buffer capacities of acetic buffers at various compositions.
Conductivity: determination of the acidity constant of various weak acids using the Ostwald's dilution law.
Dissociation constant: spectrophotometric determination of p-nitrophenol acidity constant from the dependency of the degree of ionization on pH.
Activation energy: estimation of the activation energy of decomposition of colored complex from rate constants obtained at various temperatures by spectrophotometric measurements.
Reaction order: determination of reaction orders of reactants using the initial rate method.
Principles of fundamental phenomena are demonstrated in six exercises. The students learn the experimental methods for determination of important physico-chemical constants and characteristics.
Required data are obtained by means of chemical analysis (extraction, titration) and by common instrumental methods (UV-VIS spectrophotometry, potentiometry, conductometry). Emphasis is given on all individual steps of the experiments - measurement, data collection, their appropriate evaluation and interpretation of results.