Úvod do systému Linux, soubory, procesy, příkazová řádka
Základy programování v jazyce C
Základní koncepty teoretické chemie:
Časově nezávislá Schrödingerova rovnice
Bornova-Oppenheimerova aproximace
Plochy potenciální energie; minima, sedlové body, konické intersekce
Optimalizace geometrie, výpočet harmonických vibračních frekvencí a dalších vlastností
Empirické a semiempirické výpočty, molekulová mechanika:
Párový potenciál, force fields, molekulová mechanika
Kombinace QM/MM, metoda onion
Neempirické výpočty:
Metoda HF
Post-HF metody, korelační energie
Metoda DFT
Molekulová dynamika a metody Monte Carlo:
Přehled MD metod
Klasické trajektorie, Verletův algoritmus
Výpočet termodynamických vlastností z MD trajektorií
Monte Carlo výpočty
Computer as a tool in theoretical chemisty:
\r\nto the Linux operating system, files, processes, command line
\r\nto C programming
Fundamental concepts of theoretical chemistry:
\r\nSchrödinger equation
\r\nenergy surfaces; minima, saddle points, conical intersections
\r\noptimization, calculation of harmonic vibrational frequencies
Empirical and semiempirical calculations, molecular
\r\npotential, force fields, molecular mechanics
\r\ncombination, onion method
Non-empirical calculations:
HF method
\r\nmethods, correlation energy
DFT method
Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods:
Overview of
\r\nMD methods
\r\ntrajectories, Verlet algorithm
\r\nof thermodynamic properties from MD trajectories
Monte Carlo
Computer as a tool in theoretical chemisty: mp
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Computer as a tool in theoretical chemisty:
Introduction to the Linux operating system, files, processes, command line
Introduction to C programming
Fundamental concepts of theoretical chemistry:
Schrödinger equation
Born-Oppenheimer aproximation
Potential energy surfaces; minima, saddle points, conical intersections
Geometry optimization, calculation of harmonic vibrational frequencies
Empirical and semiempirical calculations, molecular mechanics:
Pair potential, force fields, molecular mechanics
QM/MM combination, onion method
Non-empirical calculations:
HF method
Post-HF methods, correlation energy
DFT method
Molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods:
Overview of
MD methods
Classical trajectories, Verlet algorithm
Computation of thermodynamic properties from MD trajectories
Monte Carlo calculations
This is an introductory course of computational quantum chemistry, taken from the practical point of view of a chemist, who would like to apply it. Theoretical methods are not treated in depth, but the emphasis is on a view of the subject from a broader perspective and practical performing of calculations on a computer.