2.) Vektorový model, moderní popis NMR, rotace a produktové operátory.
3.) NMR interakce a jejich projevy ve spektrech, interpretace jednodimenzionálních NMR spekter.
4.) Přenos polarizace, dvoudimenzionální spektroskopie, experimenty COSY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMQC, HMBC.
5.) Spinová relaxace, jaderný Overhauserův efekt,experimenty IR, CPMG, NOESY, ROESY.
6.) Chemická výměna. Translační difuze.
7.) Mezimolekulární interakce, stanovování chemických rovnováh, využití relaxačních měření.
8.) Základy NMR v pevných látkách.
1. NMR phenomenon, NMR spectrum, NMR spectrometer.
\r\n2. Vector model and modern description of NMR, rotations and product operators.
\r\n3. NMR interactions and their manifestation n NMR spectra, interpretation of 1D spectra.
\r\n4. Polarization transfer, two-dimensional spectroscopy, experiments COSY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMQC, HMBC.
\r\n5. Spin relaxation, nuclear Overhauser effect, experiments IR, CPMG, NOESY, ROESY.
\r\n6. Chemical exchange. Translational diffusion.
\r\n7. Intermolecular interactions, chemical kinetics and stability constants, interpretation of relaxation.
\r\n8. Basics on solid-state NMR.
","inLanguage":"en"}]}1. NMR phenomenon, NMR spectrum, NMR spectrometer.
2. Vector model and modern description of NMR, rotations and product operators.
3. NMR interactions and their manifestation n NMR spectra, interpretation of 1D spectra.
4. Polarization transfer, two-dimensional spectroscopy, experiments COSY, TOCSY, HSQC, HMQC, HMBC.
5. Spin relaxation, nuclear Overhauser effect, experiments IR, CPMG, NOESY, ROESY.
6. Chemical exchange. Translational diffusion.
7. Intermolecular interactions, chemical kinetics and stability constants, interpretation of relaxation.
8. Basics on solid-state NMR.
The course will introduce modern theory of NMR spectroscopy and its pulsed experimental techniques with application to liquid samples. Besides interpretation of one- and two-dimensional NMR spectra for resonance assignment and structural information, additional techniques will be discussed that allow to follow dynamic processes like motion, conformational changes and complex formation.