(2) nanolitografie (self-assembled monolayer)
(3) přístup \"layer-by-layer\"
(4) nanotisk a nanopsaní
(5) nanotrubičky a nanodráty
(6) nanoklastry
(7) klastrové sloučeniny boru
(8) mikrokuličky, fotonické krystaly
(9) mikro- a mesoporézní materiály
(10) blokové kopolymery
(1) basics (definitions, methods, approaches)
(2) nanolitography (self-assembled monolayers)
(3) approach \"layer-by-layer\"
(4) nanoprinting a nanowriting
(5) nanotubes a nanowires
(6) nanoclusters
(7) boron cluster compounds
(8) microspheres, photonic crystalls
(9) micro- a mesoporose materials
(10) block copolymers in bulk and in solution
(1) basics (definitions, methods, approaches) (2) nanolitography (self-assembled monolayers) (3) approach "layer-by-layer" (4) nanoprinting a nanowriting (5) nanotubes a nanowires (6) nanoclusters (7) boron cluster compounds (8) microspheres, photonic crystalls (9) micro- a mesoporose materials (10) block copolymers in bulk and in solution
This course is devoted to fundamentals of nanochemistry dealing with processes and objects with nanoscale. Basic methods, approaches and examples of nanomaterials and nanoparticles will be discussed.