Introduction. Definitions - ecology, ecosystem, biotic and abiotic components of the environment, biosphere - structure, building units, metabolism.
Abiotic components of the environment. Sun.
Atmosphere - structure, composition, properties, pollution, analysis.
Hydrosphere - composition, processes, pollution, analysis.
Pedoshere, lithosphere - characteristics, composition, processes, pollution, analysis.
Environmental pollution - pollutants, their characteristics, effects on the environment.
Agrochemicals - fertilizers, pesticides - their decomposition.
Detergents - characteristics, ecological aspects.
Radicals - radiation, free oxygen radicals, effects on the environment.
Animal´s toxins
Molecular mechanism of effects of toxic compounds. Detoxification of xenobiotics.
Biogeochemical cycles
Chemical communication of living organisms.
Introduction. Definitions - ecology, ecosystem, biotic and abiotic components of the environment, biosphere - structure, building units, metabolism. Abiotic components of the environment.
Sun. Atmosphere - structure, composition, properties, pollution, analysis. Hydrosphere - composition, processes, pollution, analysis. Pedoshere, lithosphere - characteristics, composition, processes, pollution, analysis.
Environmental pollution - pollutants, their characteristics, effects on the environment. Agrochemicals - fertilizers, pesticides - their decomposition. Detergents - characteristics, ecological aspects.
Radicals - radiation, free oxygen radicals, effects on the environment. Animal´s toxins Molecular mechanism of effects of toxic compounds.
Detoxification of xenobiotics. Biogeochemical cycles Chemical communication of living organisms.
Environmental chemistry
This lecture course is established for students of Clinical and toxicological analysis and also other programs. Chemical compounds are shown as building units of the ecosystem, as means of communication in the environment, and substances making the human life easier, as well as, means of environmental pollution. The topic connects through chemistry with some other fields of science and ecology.