1. Basic photochemical concepts and variables. Central scheme of molecular organic photochemistry. Energy structure of organic molecules, ground and excited states, spin multiplicity, Jablonski diagram. Electronic, vibrational, and spin transitions. The time scale of excitation and deexcitation processes.
2. Elementary principles of quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular orbitals, and description of physical variables in the microworld. Concept of potential energy hypersurface. Orbital and spin angular momentum. Transitions between electronic molecular states, perturbation theory.
3. Classic and quantum-mechanical description of vibrational states of molecules, Franck-Condon principle. The classical description of the magnetic dipole in the external magnetic field, quantum-mechanical vector model of electron spin, singlet and triplet states. Influence of the vibrations on the electronic transitions, spin-orbital interaction.
4. Elementary description of the electromagnetic waves, the interaction of the electric and magnetic field of the light wave with organic molecules.
5. Radiative transitions between electronic states. Absorption, emission and excitation spectra, the interrelation between theoretical and experimental characteristics, electric dipole transition moment, fluorescence and phosphorescence.
6. Non-radiative transition between electronic states. Internal conversion, intersystem crossing and influence of vibrational motion and spin-orbit interaction on the quantum yield of fluorescence and phosphorescence. El-Sayed rules. Bimolecular processes, emission quenching. Energy transfer, Dexter and Forster mechanisms.
7. Organic photochemistry, potential energy surfaces, the transition of the system along the reaction coordinate. MO diagrams and correlation diagrams for selected reaction coordinates. Experimental photochemistry. Light sources and photochemical reactors. Photometry and actinometry.
8. Photoinduced cycloadditions. Photochemistry of alkenes, photoisomerization.
9. Photochemistry of carbonyl compounds, state diagrams of ketones, Norrish reaction of type I and II.
10. Molecular oxygen and organic photochemistry, ground and excited states of molecular oxygen, photocatalysis. Chemiluminescence.
Náplní přednášky jsou základní fyzikální a chemické pojmy pro popis interakce elektromagnetického záření a organických molekul, klasifikace fotofyzikálních a fotochemick ých procesů a úvod do studia fotochemických reakcí organických látek.