12. Cambridge Structural Database.
13. Závěrečný online test.
1. Visualization using HTML, basics of HTML, data file formats, web browsers and plugins. E-mail discussion groups.
2. Tools to create scientific documents - Overview of software used for the creation of scientific publications. Publication process - definition of terms primary, secondary and tertiary literature, bibliographic databases.
3. Guides to chemical resources (Database summary sheets, search servers). Computer searching (search servers, relational databases, basics of SQL).
4. Current awareness, e-mail alerts, online journals, bibliographic databases (Web of Science), documents delivery. Dictionaries, encyclopedia, tables.
5. SciFinder. How to use software to access CAS databases - CA Plus, Registry, ...
6. Reaxys - basics of compounds search.
7. Zotero - personal bibliographics database.
8. Patents. Definition, conditions for assignment, protection of rights, patent databases. Toxicological information. Safety data sheets (MSDS), toxicological databases (Toxnet, HSDB).
10. Command line - MS Windows. Basics of batch scripts.
11. How to prepare PowerPoint presentations. Organization of material for visual presentation, the layout of presentation.
12. Cambridge Structural Database.
13. Final online test.
1. Visualization using HTML, basics of HTML, data file formats, web browsers and plugins. E-mail discussion groups.2. Tools to create scientific documents - Overview of software used for the creation of scientific publications. Publication process - definition of terms primary, secondary and tertiary literature, bibliographic databases.3. Guides to chemical resources (Database summary sheets, search servers). Computer searching (search servers, relational databases, basics of SQL).4. Current awareness, e-mail alerts, online journals, bibliographic databases (Web of Science), documents delivery. Dictionaries, encyclopedia, tables.5. SciFinder. How to use software to access CAS databases - CA Plus, Registry, ...6. Reaxys - basics of compounds search.
7. Zotero - personal bibliographics database.8. Patents. Definition, conditions for assignment, protection of rights, patent databases. Toxicological information. Safety data sheets (MSDS), toxicological databases (Toxnet, HSDB).10. Command line - MS Windows. Basics of batch scripts.11. How to prepare PowerPoint presentations. Organization of material for visual presentation, the layout of presentation.
12. Cambridge Structural Database.13. Final online test.
Communication in chemistry: molecular visualization tools and Internet sites; chemistry newsgroups and discussion lists; science writing aids (software); the publication process - primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. How and where to start: guides to chemical information sources and databases; general information on computer searching; current awareness, reviews, and document delivery; background reading: dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other books; introduction to Chemical Abstracts (SciFinder), Beilstein (Reaxys), Web of Science.