2. cvičení: Technika práce ve školní chemické laboratoři
3. cvičení: Chemický pokus a moderní didaktické
4. cvičení: Cíl a struktura chemického pokusu ve výuce chemie
5. cvičení: Funkce chemického pokusu ve výuce chemie
6. cvičení: Chemický pokus jako součást poznávacích postupů a metod ve výuce chemie
Seznam laboratorních úloh
1. Vodík a jeho sloučeniny
2. Kyslík a jeho sloučeniny
3. Prvky skupiny VII. A a jejich sloučeniny (halogeny)
4. Prvky skupiny VI. A a jejich sloučeniny (síra)
5. Prvky skupiny V. A a jejich sloučeniny (dusík, fosfor)
6. Kovy a jejich sloučeniny
4th year, winter semester, practical seminar 30 hours ECTS credits During the practical seminars the students carry out 30 schools chemical experiments, divided in the six thematical group of the inorganic chemistry:
1) Hydrogen and its compounds
2) Oxygen and its compounds
3) The elements of the VII A group and theirs compounds (halogens)
4) The elements of the VI A group and theirs compounds (mainly sulphur)
5) The elements of the V A group and theirs compounds (nitrogen, phosphorus), metals and the metalic compounds. The practical seminars are hold in four-hours block once in a fortnight. During each seminar students carry out the experiments of one of the thematical group, so during whole semester the students acquire all the necessary skills for the experiment realizations for high schools. Part of the seminars is also the theoretical preparation of the students experimental work, which includes these thems: The security in the chemical laboratory, The technics in the schools chemical laboratory, Chemical experiment and modern didactic means, The aim and the structure of the chemical experiment in the chemical education, The function of the experiment in the chemical education. The experiment as the part of the cognitive processes and methods in the chemistry education.
4th year, winter semester, practical seminar 30 hours ECTS credits During the practical seminars the students carry out 30 schools chemical experiments, divided in the six thematical group of the inorganic chemistry:
1) Hydrogen and its compounds
2) Oxygen and its compounds
3) The elements of the VII A group and theirs compounds (halogens)
4) The elements of the VI A group and theirs compounds (mainly sulphur)
5) The elements of the V A group and theirs compounds (nitrogen, phosphorus), metals and the metalic compounds. The practical seminars are hold in four-hours block for half of semester. During each seminar students carry out the experiments of one of the thematical group, so during whole semester the students acquire all the necessary skills for the experiment realizations for high schools. Part of the seminars is also the theoretical preparation of the students experimental work, which includes these thems: The security in the chemical laboratory, The technics in the schools chemical laboratory, Chemical experiment and modern didactic means. The experiment as the part of the cognitive processes and methods in the chemistry education. The course takes place in person, in case of impossibility to attend the faculty or the impossibility of full-time teaching, the course will take place in the online environment ZOOM. It is necessary to log in to the ZOOM platform with a faculty/university e-mail and a faculty/university login!