Podmínky získání zápočtu: Vypracování úlohy zařazené do korespondenčního semináře a opravení došlého řešení, provedení alespoň dvou recenzí úloh ostatních autorů.
učebnice základních kurzů chemie pro vysoké školy a odborné články
In the introductory lessons, students will learn about existing possibilities of extracurricular education of gifted pupils in chemistry. In the next part of the course students will be guided to elaborate a task suitable for a correspondence seminar, which undergoes peer-review. The task must be imaginatively elaborated, with emphasis on both didactic and professional aspects, assuming the necessary information from literature.
Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes: Conditions for obtaining the credit: Elaboration of the task included in the correspondence seminar and correcting the solution, at least two reviews of the tasks of other authors.
textbooks of basic chemistry courses for universities and specialized articles
In the introductory lessons, students will learn about existing possibilities of extracurricular education of gifted pupils in chemistry. In the next part of the course students will be guided to elaborate a task suitable for a correspondence seminar, which undergoes peer-review.
The task must be imaginatively elaborated, with emphasis on both didactic and professional aspects, assuming the necessary information from literature.Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes: Conditions for obtaining the credit: Elaboration of the task included in the correspondence seminar and correcting the solution, at least two reviews of the tasks of other authors.Literature<http://ksicht.natur.cuni.cz/>textbooks of basic chemistry courses for universities and specialized articles
During the seminar, students will learn about extracurricular activities in the form of an Inspired Correspondence Seminar chemical theme (KSICHT) and similar activities for secondary school students.
The course is designed for students who want to learn how to develop the abilities of gifted high school students interest in chemistry. In the form of seminars and discussions, students will learn about the ways and skills of educating gifted pupils. Next, students actively participate in the organization of the correspondence seminar, including the creation of a task and correcting the solution.
The conception of the seminar requires a creative approach of students to the task creation and sufficient didactic and professional knowledge. The seminar is intended primarily for students of teacher training in the Master's degree program.
Literature http://ksicht.natur.cuni.cz textbooks of basic chemistry courses for universities and specialized articles
The course takes place in person, in case of impossibility to attend the faculty or the impossibility of full-time teaching, the course will take place in the online environment Microsoft Teams.
It is necessary to log in to the Microsoft Teams platform with a faculty/university e-mail and a faculty / university login!