1. Bacteria and Eucarya
2. Fungi
3. Algae
4. Acritarcha
5. Bryophytes
6. Psilophytes
7. Pteridophytes
8. Gymnosperms
9. Angiosperms
10. Protozoa
11. Porifera
12. Archeocyatha
13. Coelentarata
For the following groups of organisms, their morphology, stratigraical distribution, palaeoekology and possible applicability will be discussed:
1. Bacteria and Eucarya
2. Fungi
3. Algae
4. Acritarcha
5. Bryophytes
6. Psilophytes
7. Pteridophytes
8. Gymnosperms
9. Angiosperms
10. Protozoa
11. Porifera
12. Archeocyatha
13. Coelentarata
This course gives to MSc students an extended knowledge on palaeontological system (Bacteria, Fungi, Algobionta, Embryobionta, Protozoa, Porifera, Archeocyata, Coelenterata). All main groups of fossil organisms are characterized from the view-point of detailed morphology, palaeoecology, evolution and systematic subdivision.
Each lecture is followed by practical demonstration of fossil material samples.