- bleaching, casting and impregnation with CitoVac
- methods of levigation and palynological maceration
- cuticular analysis
- palaeoxylotomy
- light microscopy and SEM
- photo documentation of micro- a macro-objects
Ten 2-hour theoretical presentations will be followed ten 2-hour practical demonstrations (work in laboratory, visit of a museum and work places in the Czech Geological Survey)
The goal of such lecture is to manage how to use the literature (e.g., how to compile the synonymy lists and how to use it), basic methods of museal documentation, preparation and conservation of different samples, preparation of casting, methods of washing, palynological maceration and disolving of different types of rocks. Study of plant anatomy (replication, kuticular anlyses, palaexylotomy), optical and lectron microscopy, including documentation, photograpci documentation of both micsopic and macroscopic objects, digitalisation of results.