2. Referáty studentů vyšších ročníku a PGS studentů o výsledcích jejich práce
Forma výuky: dvouhodinové semináře. Aktuální program seminářů naleznete na stránkách https://www.natur.cuni.cz/geologie/paleontologie/seminare
Požadavky: účast, u studentů vyšších ročníku magisterského studia přednáška v rozsahu 1 hodiny, u PGS studentů samostatný seminář
1. Series of 4-5 lectures predominantly of eruded foreign specialists in palaeontological topics
\r\n2. Presentations of MSc. and Ph.D. students dealing witheir research activities and results
\r\nForm of education: 2 hours lecture. Programm: https://www.natur.cuni.cz/geologie/paleontologie/seminare
\r\nRequirements: lectures attendance, MSc. students - own 1 hour lecture and PhD students - whole seminar
","inLanguage":"en"}]}1. Series of 4-5 lectures predominantly of eruded foreign specialists in palaeontological topics 2. Presentations of MSc. and Ph.D. students dealing witheir research activities and results
Form of education: 2 hours lecture. Programm: https://www.natur.cuni.cz/geologie/paleontologie/seminare
Requirements: lectures attendance, MSc. students - own 1 hour lecture and PhD students - whole seminar
This seminar provides wide spectrum of palaeontological topics studied in different institutions of the Czech Republic as well as foreign ones; results of paleontological conferences, meetings, workshops. Lectures are read by invited lecturers and visiting specialists.
The current list of lectures is published at the web page https://www.natur.cuni.cz/geologie/paleontologie/seminare