2. Složené oxidy, niobotantaláty, silikáty, uran-organické komplexy.
3. Zvětrávání uraninitu, krása sekundárních minerálů uranu.
4. Thoriové minerály. Projevy radioaktivity draselných minerálů. Minerály radia.
5. Radioaktivní prvky v horninotvorných minerálech, \"akcesorické\" minerály.
6. Přírodní jaderné reaktory.
7. Zářením alterované okolní minerály.
8. Metamiktní stav, difrakční obraz jevu, reverzibilita struktury, termická a hydrotermální rekrystalizace.
9. Syntetické fáze vhodné pro ukládání radioaktivních odpadů. Vitrifikace RO, uranem barvená skla a glazury.
10. Metody identifikace, lokalizace radioaktivních mikroobjektů, radiografické metody, přístrojové metody, f-radiografie.
11. Vyhledávání a sběr radioaktivních minerálů, radiotoxicita, radiační hygiena.
Podmínkou ukončení je úspěšné řešení zápočtového úkolu (výpočet dávkového příkonu od přírodního radioaktivního vzorku) a složení zkoušky.
In this course go through following things:
\r\n1. Uraninite - Lead Factory, Structure, Occurrences, Uraninite as Geochemical Indicator, Chemical Age, Radiogenic Lead Minerals, Uranyl Ion,
\r\n2. Multiple Oxides, Niobotantalates, Silicates, Uraniun in Organic Complexes,
\r\n3. Uraninite Weathering, Uranium Secondary Minerals,
\r\n4. Thorium Minerals, Radioactivity of Potassium Minerals, Radium Minerals?,
\r\n5. Radioactive Accessory Minerals, Alteration of Surrounding Minerals,
\r\n6. Natural Fission Reactors,
\r\n7. Metamict State, X-ray Diffraction, Structural Reversibility, Thermal and Hydrothermal Recrystalisation,
\r\n8. Radioactive Minerals Searching, Radiotoxicity, Hygiene, Identification Methods,
\r\n9. Localization of radioactive Microobjects, Radiographic Methods, Instrumentally Methods, F-radiography, Microprobe Analysis Problems.
\r\nDuring the course students will work with radioactive samples from the faculty collection.
\r\nThe course is completed by an exam. Credit is awarded for a successfully completed task (calculation of dose rate and annual dose from the sample).
","inLanguage":"en"}]}In this course go through following things:
1. Uraninite - Lead Factory, Structure, Occurrences, Uraninite as Geochemical Indicator, Chemical Age, Radiogenic Lead Minerals, Uranyl Ion,
2. Multiple Oxides, Niobotantalates, Silicates, Uraniun in Organic Complexes,
3. Uraninite Weathering, Uranium Secondary Minerals,
4. Thorium Minerals, Radioactivity of Potassium Minerals, Radium Minerals?,
5. Radioactive Accessory Minerals, Alteration of Surrounding Minerals,
6. Natural Fission Reactors,
7. Metamict State, X-ray Diffraction, Structural Reversibility, Thermal and Hydrothermal Recrystalisation,
8. Radioactive Minerals Searching, Radiotoxicity, Hygiene, Identification Methods,
9. Localization of radioactive Microobjects, Radiographic Methods, Instrumentally Methods, F-radiography, Microprobe Analysis Problems. During the course students will work with radioactive samples from the faculty collection. The course is completed by an exam. Credit is awarded for a successfully completed task (calculation of dose rate and annual dose from the sample).
Familiarization with the most important minerals of uranium, thorium, radium and manifestations of radioactivity of potassium minerals. Their position in the mineralogical system, structure, stability and metamictization by radiation.
Basics of radiohygienic working with natural radioactive substances.