(1) atom, jádro a izotopy, elektronový obal, výstavbový princip, hybridizace, valenční orbitaly;
(2) chemická vazba, definice a typy, vztah k fyzikálním a chemickým vlastnostem látek;
(3) koordinace atomů, struktura pevných látek a tavenin, Paulingova pravidla, úvod do krystalové chemie.
Vlastnosti a přeměny přírodních materiálů:
(1) soustavy veličin, jednotky, převody, koncentrační stupnice;
(2) úvod do termodynamiky, termodynamické zákony, energie, její formy a přeměny;
(3) fázové diagramy a jejich použití pro pevné látky, taveniny a roztoky;
(4) chemická rovnováha, acidobazické a redoxní d?je;
(5) kinetika chemických reakcí, vlastnosti minerálních povrchů, růst krystalů, sorpce;
(6) radioaktivní rozpad, globální chemické cykly a toky.
Analýza geologických materiálů a jejich struktury:
(1) typy záření a jeho interakce s hmotou, röntgenová difrakce, elektronová mikroskopie;
(2) spektroskopické analytické metody, optické, absorpční a emisní metody, Ramanova a infračervená spektrometrie, roentgenová difraktometrie, jaderná magnetická rezonance.
Structure and properties of matter:
(1) atom, nucleus and isotopes, electron shells, hybridization, valence orbitals;
(2) chemical bond, definition and types of bonding, relations to physical and chemical properties of matter;
(3) coordination of atoms, structure of solid and liquid phases, Pauling rules, introduction to crystal chemistry.
Properties, transformations and cycles of natural materials:
(1) units of measure, quantity calculus, concentration scales;
(2) introduction to thermodynamics, thermodynamic laws, forms and transformations of energy;
(3) phase diagrams and their applications to solid phases, melts and aqueous solutions;
(4) chemical equilibrium, acid-base and oxidation-reduction reactions
(5) kinetics of chemical reactions, properties of mineral surfaces and interfaces, crystal growth, absorption;
(6) radioactive decay, global chemical fluxes and cycles.
Analysis of geological materials and their structure:
(1) types of radiation, interaction of radiation with matter, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy;
(2) spectroscopic methods (optical, absorption and emission methods; Raman, infrared, X-ray and Mössbauer spectroscopy; nuclear magnetic resonance.
Structure and properties of matter: (1) atom, nucleus and isotopes, electron shells, hybridization, valence orbitals; (2) chemical bond, definition and types of bonding, relations to physical and chemical properties of matter; (3) coordination of atoms, structure of solid and liquid phases, Pauling rules, introduction to crystal chemistry. Properties, transformations and cycles of natural materials: (1) units of measure, quantity calculus, concentration scales; (2) introduction to thermodynamics, thermodynamic laws, forms and transformations of energy; (3) phase diagrams and their applications to solid phases, melts and aqueous solutions; (4) chemical equilibrium, acid-base and oxidation-reduction reactions (5) kinetics of chemical reactions, properties of mineral surfaces and interfaces, crystal growth, absorption; (6) radioactive decay, global chemical fluxes and cycles. Analysis of geological materials and their structure:(1) types of radiation, interaction of radiation with matter, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy; (2) spectroscopic methods (optical, absorption and emission methods; Raman, infrared, X-ray and Mössbauer spectroscopy; nuclear magnetic resonance.
This introductory undergraduate course provides a survey of general, inorganic and physical chemistry, and their applications to geological processes. It consists of three sections: (i) structure of atoms, molecules and matter, (ii) transformations of matter and energy in nature, and (iii) analysis of geological materials.