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Geothermal energy

Class at Faculty of Science |


1. Heat as energy, heat transport in the Earth and its sources

2. Depth temperature dependance, heat flow, stationary heat transmission

3. Non-stationary heat transmission and the effect geologic processes

4. Heat flow globally and in Czechia

5. EGS systems

6. Heat exchanger in depth, hydraulic stimulation and induced seismicity

7. Examples of geothermal systems in the world

8. Shallow heat - heat pumps

9. Aqueous and thermic balance of geologic structures

10. Economic aspects of geothermal energy use and outlook


The course deals with basic aspects of geothermal energy use in terms of hydrothermal sources and enhanced geothermal systems. It deals with heat transport from depth to the Earth surface, research of geothermal sources, technical solution of geothermal systems and economic aspects of geothermal energy use.