2. Distribution of light and temperature, distribution of oxygen, turbidity, inorganic carbon and pH.
\r\n3. Biogenic elements in waters – cycle of C, N, P
\r\n4. Communities of stagnant waters - phytoplankton
Composition of the community, size distribution. Stokes rule, Redfield ratio. Seasonal succesion, plankton paradox.
5. Communities of stagnant waters – zooplankton
Spatial structure of stagnat waters, communities, food webs, microbial loop. Major zooplankton groups. Top-down, bottom-up effect, PEG model.
6. Bacterioplankton and detritus of stagnant waters, forms of carbon in waters.
\r\n7. Littoral and march communities, macrophytes, benthos, and fish of stagnant waters.
\r\n8. Running waters – characteristics
Speed of currents, flow regime, transport of substances. River ecosystem, river continuum concept, erosion.
9. Running waters - communities
\r\n10. Protection of waters
Water frame directive (WFD), impact of climatic changes on running waters.
11. Acidification
Anthropogenic acidification, pH of rain and lake waters. Impact of S and N deposition on soil and water ecosystems. Recovery from acidification.
12. Eutrophication
Nutrients responsible for eutrophication and their sources. Impact on waters.
1. Water cycle in the biosphere and distribution of water on the planet Earth
Hydrological cycle; elementary physical and chemical properties of water; origin of lakes, trophic status and zonation of lakes, running waters.
2. Distribution of light and temperature, distribution of oxygen, turbidity, inorganic carbon and pH.
\r\n3. Biogenic elements in waters – cycle of C, N, P
\r\n4. Communities of stagnant waters - phytoplankton
Composition of the community, size distribution. Stokes rule, Redfield ratio. Seasonal succesion, plankton paradox.
5. Communities of stagnant waters – zooplankton
Spatial structure of stagnat waters, communities, food webs, microbial loop. Major zooplankton groups. Top-down, bottom-up effect, PEG model.
6. Bacterioplankton and detritus of stagnant waters, forms of carbon in waters.
\r\n7. Littoral and march communities, macrophytes, benthos, and fish of stagnant waters.
\r\n8. Running waters – characteristics
Speed of currents, flow regime, transport of substances. River ecosystem, river continuum concept, erosion.
9. Running waters - communities
\r\n10. Protection of waters
Water frame directive (WFD), impact of climatic changes on running waters.
11. Acidification
Anthropogenic acidification, pH of rain and lake waters. Impact of S and N deposition on soil and water ecosystems. Recovery from acidification.
12. Eutrophication
Nutrients responsible for eutrophication and their sources. Impact on waters.
1. Water cycle in the biosphere and distribution of water on the planet Earth Hydrological cycle; elementary physical and chemical properties of water; origin of lakes, trophic status and zonation of lakes, running waters.
2. Distribution of light and temperature, distribution of oxygen, turbidity, inorganic carbon and pH.
3. Biogenic elements in waters – cycle of C, N, P
4. Communities of stagnant waters - phytoplankton Composition of the community, size distribution. Stokes rule, Redfield ratio. Seasonal succesion, plankton paradox.
5. Communities of stagnant waters – zooplankton Spatial structure of stagnat waters, communities, food webs, microbial loop. Major zooplankton groups. Top-down, bottom-up effect, PEG model.
6. Bacterioplankton and detritus of stagnant waters, forms of carbon in waters.
7. Littoral and march communities, macrophytes, benthos, and fish of stagnant waters.
8. Running waters – characteristics Speed of currents, flow regime, transport of substances. River ecosystem, river continuum concept, erosion.
9. Running waters - communities
10. Protection of waters Water frame directive (WFD), impact of climatic changes on running waters.
11. Acidification Anthropogenic acidification, pH of rain and lake waters. Impact of S and N deposition on soil and water ecosystems. Recovery from acidification.
12. Eutrophication Nutrients responsible for eutrophication and their sources. Impact on waters.
Limnology is the study of inland lakes, rivers, and wetlands; this lecture covers basic knowledge in limnology.
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