2. Získávání dat v rámci experimentů: typy dat; přesnost dat; kalibrace, třídy přesnosti a citlivost měření; správa dat; příklady experimentálních postupů v přírodních vědách.
3. Využití statistiky a teorie pravděpodobnosti: typy dat; charakteristiky polohy a variability; testování hypotéz.
4. Využití regresní a korelační analýzy, aplikace faktorové analýzy: metoda nejmenších čtverců; lineární a nelineární regrese; korelační analýza; transformace dat; časové řady; příklady.
5. Přístupy modelování ekologických systémů: jedinec, populace, společenstvo a ekosystém; využití fyzikálních zákonů a ekologických pravidel; látkové a energetické toky.
6. Modely populací: odhady základních parametrů; modely diskrétního růstu; exponenciální a logistický růst; modely s časovým zpožděním; Leslie modely; základní typy interakcí; příklady.
7. Analýza a simulace dynamických modelů: stavové proměnné a trajektorie, rovnovážné stavy a jejich stabilita; lineární a nelineární dynamické modely; numerické metody pro výpočet modelů; příklady.
8. Příklady ekologických modelů: modelování interakcí ve společenstvech a ekosystémech; modely látkových a energetických toků; simulace pomocí počítačových programů ACSL, Mathematica, MATLAB-Simulink.
9. Analýza prostorových interakcí ekologických systémů: základní interakce populací, ve společenstvech a v ekosystémech; prostorové modely a jejich simulace; využití GIS a dálkového průzkumu Země; prostorové statistické metody a interakce; diskrétní modely.
10. Analýza krajiny z pohledu modelování: struktura, koridory, sítě; analýza přírodních procesů a hodnocení rizik využitím GIS a dálkového průzkumu Země; modelování interakcí v krajině.
11. Kontaminace environmentálních systémů: kompartmentové modely a modely s rozloženými parametry; modelování difúze; numerické metody pro řešení modelů; příklady.
12. Systémová analýza environmentálních systémů a metody síťové analýzy, lineární programování, deterministické a stochastické modely, teorie chaosu, využití neuronových sítí, teorie fraktálů.
1. Theory of systems: definition and specification of systems; static, dynamic and stochastic models; deductive and inductive approach in the model development; computer models; validation and verification; identification of model parameters, optimization.
2. Experimental approach in data acquisition: experiment, classification of errors; data accuracy and precision; calibration, precision classes and sensitivity of measure instruments; data management; examples of experimental methods in natural science.
3. Using statistics and theory of probability: type of data; population and samples; measures of central tendency, dispersion and variability; probabilities and their characteristics; examples of data distribution; hypotheses and statistical tests; analysis of variance.
4. Using of regression and correlation analysis, applied factor analysis: the method of the least squares; linear and non-linear, simple and multiple regression; correlation analysis; data transformations; time series; examples of using factor analysis.
5. Concepts of modelling basic ecological systems: specification of the individual, population, community and ecosystem; using physical laws and ecological rules; matter and energy flows.
6. Models of population: estimates of basic parameters; discrete growth models; exponential and logistic growth; models with time delays of variables; Leslie models; basic interactions among populations; examples of models.
7. Analysis and simulation of dynamic models: state variables and trajectories, equilibrium and its stability; linear and non-linear dynamic models; numerical methods for digital simulation; examples.
8. Examples of ecological models: modelling of interactions in communities and ecosystems; models of matter and energy flows; simulation with computer programs ACSL, Mathematica, MATLAB-Simulink.
9. Analysis of spatial characteristics and interactions of ecological systems: basic spatial characteristics and interactions of populations, communities and ecosystems; spatial dynamic models and its simulation; using GIS and Remote Sensing; spatial statistical methods and interpolations; discrete models.
10. Analysis of landscape from the modelling perspective: structure, corridors, matrix and networks; analysis of natural processes and impact assessment with GIS and Remote Sensing; modelling of landscape interactions.
11. Contamination of environmental systems: compartment and distributed-parameter models; modelling of diffusion; numerical methods for digital simulation; examples of contamination of groundwater, surface water, air and soils; accumulation and transport of contaminants in biotic parts of ecosystems.
12. System analysis of environmental systems and network analysis, linear programming, deterministic and stochastic models, theory of chaos, using of neuron artificial networks, theory of fractals.
1. Theory of systems: definition and specification of systems; static, dynamic and stochastic models; deductive and inductive approach in the model development; computer models; validation and verification; identification of model parameters, optimization.
2. Experimental approach in data acquisition: experiment, classification of errors; data accuracy and precision; calibration, precision classes and sensitivity of measure instruments; data management; examples of experimental methods in natural science.
3. Using statistics and theory of probability: type of data; population and samples; measures of central tendency, dispersion and variability; probabilities and their characteristics; examples of data distribution; hypotheses and statistical tests; analysis of variance.
4. Using of regression and correlation analysis, applied factor analysis: the method of the least squares; linear and non-linear, simple and multiple regression; correlation analysis; data transformations; time series; examples of using factor analysis.
5. Concepts of modelling basic ecological systems: specification of the individual, population, community and ecosystem; using physical laws and ecological rules; matter and energy flows.
6. Models of population: estimates of basic parameters; discrete growth models; exponential and logistic growth; models with time delays of variables; Leslie models; basic interactions among populations; examples of models.
7. Analysis and simulation of dynamic models: state variables and trajectories, equilibrium and its stability; linear and non-linear dynamic models; numerical methods for digital simulation; examples.
8. Examples of ecological models: modelling of interactions in communities and ecosystems; models of matter and energy flows; simulation with computer programs ACSL, Mathematica, MATLAB-Simulink.
9. Analysis of spatial characteristics and interactions of ecological systems: basic spatial characteristics and interactions of populations, communities and ecosystems; spatial dynamic models and its simulation; using GIS and Remote Sensing; spatial statistical methods and interpolations; discrete models.
10. Analysis of landscape from the modelling perspective: structure, corridors, matrix and networks; analysis of natural processes and impact assessment with GIS and Remote Sensing; modelling of landscape interactions.
11. Contamination of environmental systems: compartment and distributed-parameter models; modelling of diffusion; numerical methods for digital simulation; examples of contamination of groundwater, surface water, air and soils; accumulation and transport of contaminants in biotic parts of ecosystems.
12. System analysis of environmental systems and network analysis, linear programming, deterministic and stochastic models, theory of chaos, using of neuron artificial networks, theory of fractals.
The lecture is primarily focused on computer modelling in the area of living environment. For the students of natural science, the lecture sums up the introductory course that is extended by other optional lectures, exercises and seminars.
Presentations of individual aspects of modelling are derived from generally known principles. The lecture is complemented by computer demonstrations of selected problems, which are consecutively processed by students in the framework of exercises.