Course for ERASMUS students: summer term 2022–2023 7 credits
Věž (Tower) room, Albertov 6, 3rd floor
Tuesdays (February 14 – May 16) 11.30 – 13.05
Coordinator: RNDr. Jiří V ágner, Ph.D. (
This course covers the topics which are researched at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development. The structure of the course reflects the system of research groups ( structure).
Each lesson starts with the brief introduction of the research group and then gives selected results of the human geographical research in Czechia. The course follows the Contemporary Human Geography I course (scheduled in winter terms), however, it is possible to enrol without preliminary experience from that course.
Each student will be required to select a supervisor by 28 February (according to his field of interest), prepare a three-page review of three professional articles (by 28 March) and a 15-page paper on a selected topic under the tutorship of the participant teachers (by 9 May) with the presentation (.ppt) followed 16 May.
Based on the paper, each student will give a ten minute Power Point presentation during the final class. Students are required to attend at least nine lessons and the final class with a presentation.
Time schedule of lessons 14. 2. 2023 Introduction to the course (Vágner) 21. 2. 2023 Landscape, Heritage and Identity (Kučera Z.) 28. 2. 2023 Regional and Political Geography (Lepič) 7. 3. 2023 Economic Geography and Regional Development (Pavlínek) 14. 3. 2023 Rural Geography and Land Use/Land Cover (Perlín) 21. 3. 2023 Transportation Geography (Marada) 28. 3. 2023 Tourism and Leisure Geography (Vágner, Krajňák) 4. 4. 2023 Urban and Regional Research Centre (Sýkora) 11. 4. 2023 Urban Social Geography (Ouředníček) 18. 4. 2023 International Migration (Drbohlav) 25. 4. 2023 Health Geography and Quality of Life (Kulhánová) 16. 5. 2023 Presentations of essays and discussion (Vágner et al.)
See Sylabus in Files booknote (Soubory)