1.- 2. Regional development theories - typology, dilemma convergence vs. divergence;
neoclassical models, QWERTY.
3.- 4. Theories core - periphery (North, Perroux, Bodeville, Myrdal, Hirschman)
5.- 6. Neomarxist theories (Holland, Harvey, Emmanuel, regulation theory)
7.- 8. New Economic Geography
9.-10. Institutional regional development theories (industrial districts, clusters, learning regions)
11. Theory of global value chains/global production networks
12. Triple helix, regional innovations systems, related variety, differentiated knowledge bases
Structure of the lecture block on regional development theories 1.- 2. Regional development theories - typology, dilemma convergence vs. divergence; neoclassical models, QWERTY. 3.- 4.
Theories core - periphery (North, Perroux, Bodeville, Myrdal, Hirschman) 5.- 6. Neomarxist theories (Holland, Harvey, Emmanuel, regulation theory) 7.- 8.
New Economic Geography 9.-10. Institutional regional development theories (industrial districts, clusters, learning regions) 11.
Theory of global value chains/global production networks 12. Triple helix, regional innovations systems, related variety, differentiated knowledge bases
The course is devoted to discussion of different types of regional development theories with options of their classifications. The lecture presents an overview of the main theories within each of the basic groups of theories.
Implications of these theories for both basic research and for design of regional policy are discussed. The lecture deals also with fundamental dilemmas like convergence versus divergence and structure versus agency.