\r\nWebová stránka semináře: ktiml.mff.cuni.cz/fpi/\r\n\r\nTémata jednotlivých seminářů jsou nezávislá, nabízejí řadu pohledů a v průběhu semestru budou aktualizována. Podmínkou pro zápočet bude vypracování eseje k některému z v aktuálním semestru probranému tématu nebo zápisu některé z přednášek dle vlastního výběru a účast.\r\n","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"Possible themes:\r\n\r\nProblems of current Informatics and their philosophical aspects\r\n\r\nComputation models\r\n\r\nLinguistics\r\n\r\nPhilosophy of programming languages\r\n\r\nKnowledge bases and databases\r\n\r\nWeb, semantic web and web explorers\r\n\r\nNeuron networks and evolutionary algorithms\r\n\r\nArtificial intelligence\r\n\r\nHistory of mathematics and informatics\r\n\r\nEthics in informatics\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nExamples of previous themes:\r\n\r\nWhat was beyond mirror?\r\n\r\nLanguage of mathematics\r\n\r\nSingularity\r\n\r\nWhy is social web resistant to elegant mathematics\r\n\r\nPhilosophy of mind (from view of analytic philosophy)\r\n\r\nKurt Goedel...!\r\n\r\nHow to describe the natural language formally?\r\n\r\nLanguage just a code?\r\n\r\nInfinity in Informatics and Philosophy\r\n\r\nHypothetical propositions\r\n\r\n\r\n","inLanguage":"en"}]}
Possible themes:
Problems of current Informatics and their philosophical aspects
Computation models
Philosophy of programming languages
Knowledge bases and databases
Web, semantic web and web explorers
Neuron networks and evolutionary algorithms
Artificial intelligence
History of mathematics and informatics
Ethics in informatics
Examples of previous themes:
What was beyond mirror?
Language of mathematics
Why is social web resistant to elegant mathematics
Philosophy of mind (from view of analytic philosophy)
Kurt Goedel...!
How to describe the natural language formally?
Language just a code?
Infinity in Informatics and Philosophy
Hypothetical propositions
The seminar consists of presentations of specialists in informatics, mathematics and in relevant philosophical problems with the goal to show students new perspectives and motivate discussions.