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Methods of Measuring Electric Properties of Semiconducting and Insulating Materials

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Electrical conductivity measurement

Basic methods of electrical conductivity measurement, the influence of contacts, features of devices (electrometer, picoammeter, nanovoltmeter)

* Other transport properties measurement

Measurements of Hall constant, thermoelectric power and thermal conductivity. Charge carriers concentration study.

* AC methods of measurement

Basics of impedance measurement, influence of parasitic values - real, effective and indicated value, survey of methods of measurement, autobalance bridge principle, ways of connecting the sample, parasitic values elimination, calibration and compensation, examples of the measurements and devices

* Measurement of time dependencies in dielectrics

Isothermal measurements of current-time dependencies and their evaluation. Thermostimulated measurement methods.


Measurement methods for conductivity and other transport phenomena (mobility, thermoelectric voltage), diffusion length and life time of charge carriers, AC and time domain measurements of dielectric properties