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Query Languages 2

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


- Document databases - a summary of basic notions. Relevance, precision and recall.

- Models and languages of document databases: Boolean model, vector model, feedback.

- XML text as a document - querying via key words.

- Language Mongo.

- Graph query languages.

- RDF model and SPARQL.

- Expressive power of relational QL - equivalence of relational QL.

- Transitive closure of a relation. Least fixpoint, minimal model semantics.

- Datalog without recursion, with recursion, with negation, stratification.

- Recursive SQL.

Querying over data streams.


Languages of information retrieval systems - Boolean and vector model, feedback, XML text as a document.

Language Mongo. Graph query languages. Model RDF and SPARQL. Expressive power of relational QL - equivalence of relational QL. Transitive closure of relation. Least fixpoint, minimal model semantics. Datalog without recursion, with recursion, with negation, stratification. Recursion in SQL. Querying over data streams.