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Fortran 90/95 for Physicists

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* 1. Programming language FORTRAN 90/95

Structure of FORTRAN, comparison with Pascal and C. Basics of FORTRAN 77.

A detailed description of FORTRAN 90/95.

* 2. Libraries

Libraries for numerical computation and visualisation. Practical programming in FORTRAN 90.

* 3. Implementations of basic physical algorithms

Implementations of basic physical algorithms in FORTRAN 90. Modelling of particle transport using Monte Carlo method, modelling of particle motion using molecular dynamic method, hybrid modelling in plasma physics. Basic analyses of images.


Programming language FORTRAN 90/95, differences from the language FORTRAN 77. Libraries of subroutines for numerical calculation and visualisation.

Implementation of basic algorithms of computational physics in FORTRAN.