1. Basic concepts of spectroscopy Transitions of diatomic and polyatomic molecules and ions: rotational, vibrational and electronic excitation. Intensities of spectral lines. *
2. Methods of emission and absorption spectroscopy Examples and analysis of common techniques. High sensitivity absorption spectroscopy. *
3. Sources of monochromatic light Types of lasers, tuning and accurate measurement of wavelength. Manipulation with light beams, detectors. *
4. Evaluation of spectra Broadening of spectral lines. Kinetic, rotational and vibrational temperature, population of internal states. Measurement of number density in plasma.
Absorption and emission spectroscopy for plasma physics. Basic principles of spectroscopy.
Ro –vibrational and electronic molecular spectra, intensities of spectral lines, population of states. Techniques of absorption and emission spectroscopy, sources of radiation.
Manipulation with light beams, detectors. Accurate determination of wavelength, evaluation of measured spectra.
High sensitive methods of absorption spectroscopy.