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Magnetohydrodynamics, Hot and Laser Plasma

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Magnetohydrodymanics Basic characteristics, advantages, limitations, equations for the single-fluid and two-fluid models. Frozen-in magnetic field and diffusion of field lines. Magnetic energy and tension. Examples: parallel flux, magnetic inertia, Z-pinch, solar prominences. *

2. Magnetohydrodynamic waves Hydromagnetic approximation, MHD wave theory, Alfven, slow and fast magnetosonic waves. Examples of measurements in the Earth's magnetosphere. *

3. Principles of Tokamak Particle trajectories in tokamak, stability of tokamak plasmas, methods of plasma heating: Joule heating, injection of energetic neutral beams, high-frequency heating. Thermonuclear reactor. *

4. Physics of high energy densities and inertial fusion Interaction of energetic laser beams and heavy particles with materials. Methods for highly concentrated energy fluxes. Interaction of laser light with plasmas. Fluid dynamics of high energy fluxes, atomic characteristics. *

5. Radiation and nuclear processes Radiation characteristics of dense and hot matter, transport of radiation. X-ray lasers and targets for the inertial fusion, theory and simulations.


Characteristics of magnetohydrodynamics. One- and two-liquid model.

Frozen field and diffusion of field lines. Magnetic energy and magnetic tension.

Examples. Principles of tokamak, stability of tokamak plasma.

Methods of plasma heating in tokamak. Thermonuclear reactor on tokamak basis.

Interaction of intensive laser radiation with plasma. Characteristics and problems of the theoretical description of systems with high energy density.

Principles of x-ray laser and of inertial fusion. For postgraduate study only.

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