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High Resolution NMR

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |



1. Introduction Nuclear spin and magnetic moment, nuclear electric quadrupolar moment. Energy in a static magnetic field. Population of energy levels. Rotating coordination system. Radiofrequency field. Bloch equations. Pulse experiments - FID, spin echo. Fourier transform. Experimental aspects of NMR spectroscopy. *

2. Basic interactions Nuclear dipol-dipol interaction, magnetic interaction of electrons and nuclei, chemical shift, indirect spin-spin coupling. Quadrupolar interaction. Anisotropy of interactions. Time averaging in liquids. Spin Hamiltonian. Analysis of spectra. *

3. 1D spectroscopy 1D NMR experiments using complex pulse sequences and field gradients. J- modulated spin echo, pulsed gradient spin echo, spin decoupling, NOE spectroscopy, signal enhancement by polarisation transfer. SPI, INEPT, reverse INEPT, DEPT, INADEQUATE. Suppression of water signal. *

4. High resolution in solids Magic angle spinning. Cross polarisation magic angle spinning. Special pulse series. *

5. 2D spectroscopy Basic concept. 2D J-resolved NMR (homo- and heteronuclear). 2D correlated NMR spectroscopy. Connection through bonds or space. HETCORR, COSY, INADEQUATE, HSQC, HMQC, NOESY, EXCY experiments. *

6. Relaxations Spin-lattice, spin-spin relaxation mechanisms. Experimental determination. Correlation time. Correlation function, spectral density. Dependence on molecular size. Segmental mobilities.


High resolution NMR spectroscopy in condensed matters. Experimental techniques in liquids and solids.

Application to the studies of structural and dynamical properties of measured systems. Multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Suitable for Mgr. courses of solid state physics, biophysics, chemistry physics, physics of polymers.