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Thermodynamics of Materials

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


1. Phase equilibrium, stability conditions

2. Thermodynamics of solutions. Free enthalpy. Chemical potential. Common-tangent construction. Gibbs-Duhem relation. Partial quantities. Activity. Ideal solid solutions. Quantities of mixing. Multicomponent solutions.

3. Phase diagrams, nearest neighbors model for regular solutions.

4. Binary phase diagrams. Total solubility. Limited solubility, eutectic diagram, peritectic diagram. Non-solubility. Short-range order. Long-range order. Intermedial phases. Selected important phase diagrams.

5. Phase transformations

6. Solidification of alloys, purification of materials, segregation processes. Diffusion in solids. Transformations in solid state: diffusional and non-diffusional.

7. Structure of alloys

8. Solid solutions. Hume-Rothery rules. Intermetallics - Laves phases, interstitial compounds, electron compounds.


Thermodynamic phase equilibrium. Stability conditions for two- and multi-component systems.

Statistical models using interactions of nearest neighbors. Equilibrium phase diagrams.

Phase transformations. Structure of alloys.