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Technology and properties of steels and cast irons

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Iron and steel production

Metastable/stable iron carbone phase diagram: Iron carbon (Fe-Fe3C) phase diagram (peritectic, eutectoid, eutectic reaction)

Effect of alloying elements on steel properties

Effect of heat treatment on phase transitions (TTT and CCT diagrams)

Thermo-chemical method of surface hardening (carburising, nitriding, carbonitriding)

Thermo-mechanical treatment of steel (TRIP, Maraging)

Classification of steels and cast irons

Mechanical testing (static, dynamic, cyclic tests)

Fracture mechanics



Metastable/stable iron carbone phase diagram, Time-temperature transformation (TTT) diagrams, Continuous cooling transformation

(CCT) diagrams, Heat treatment of iron and steel, Thermo-chemical method of surface hardening, Thermo-mechanical treatment of steel,

Deformation tests (static and dynamic), Fatigue, Creep